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TNP Banditos: New Clan Looking for Players

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Hello, fellow DayZ players, my name is Kubz and I am the owner and founder of TNP Gaming. We recently started up a DayZ squad called the TNP Banditos and invite you to come join us! We are also looking for a Squad Leader so don't hesitate to apply for that!

Who Are We

Clan Name: TNP Gaming

Squad: TNP Banditos

Motto: No hay lágrimas, sólo sueña ahora

Squad Size: TBD

Location: Canada and the US

What We Do

- The TNP Banditos assassinate EVERYONE. Whether your're on your own or in a group, we will find you. And we will kill you.

- City Invasions. We don't derp around at big cities. We get in there and do our job, none of this 5 people sitting on the hill sniping garbage.

- Random Jihad missions. Yeah, we might just book it into a town and kill every zombie. So what? We might blow our vehicle up for no reason.

Why You Should Join

- We don't do hack, cheat or exploit

- We die with honour. None of this Alt + F4 garbage

- Tons of epic missions (Just killed 14 people in Cherenaus, then died)

- Playing Alone is boring

Join Application

Our Statement: The TNP Banditos are a group of highly skilled assassains who will kill anyone and everyone not with us. We don't ask questions, we don't negotiate, we're simply going to kill you. We fight for each other and that's it. We will not hack, we will not alt+f4 and we will play the game with honor. However, if you cross our path, you're going to die.

Requirements: You need to have a microphone as well as Ventrilo. In addition to this you need to located in North America, speak fluent english and be a helpful part of our squad. You must be willing to help in emergency situations. (Such as our base being attacked). You should also be an active member of our website and help our Clan grow. We prefer players over the age of 18, but will make exceptions. To apply for the TNP Banditos, please fill out the following application. We would also recommend joining our website as we have our own DayZ server launching this weekend and want to make it a great server for people to play in so come check it out!

TNP Bandito Application

Dayz Name:

How long have you played Dayz:

Where are you Located:

Your PvP Experience:

Favorite Gun/Combo:

DayZ Clan Experience:

How familiar with the map are you:

How good are your navigation skills (compass, grids, maps etc.):

Do You want to Be Squad Leader:

If So, why should we choose you:

Website: www.tnpgaming.com

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Dayz Name: Zac Mikel

How long have you played Dayz: Two months

Where are you Located: Canada

Your PvP Experience: 100+ kills

Favorite Gun/Combo: AS50 thermal

DayZ Clan Experience: Been in groups since I started this game

How familiar with the map are you: On a scale of 1-10, ten being the best I would say 7.

How good are your navigation skills (compass, grids, maps etc.): Very good

Do You want to Be Squad Leader: Hell yeah

If So, why should we choose you: No tears, only dreams now

Edited by Zacm30

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Dayz Name: The Smashing Brit

How long have you played Dayz: 3 months

Where are you Located: Uk but im on late so i can see you guys everyday

Your PvP Experience: 40 killed

Favorite Gun/Combo: AS50 MK249 SAW

DayZ Clan Experience: I had a clan called New Chernarus Republic with its own server

How familiar with the map are you: Very well

How good are your navigation skills (compass, grids, maps etc.): Im moderately good but im not the best

Do You want to Be Squad Leader: Not right now but i might change my mind

If So, why should we choose you: I love hanging back and will always have an eye on the situation.

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Dayz Name: Terminator

How long have you played Dayz: A bit longer then a month now

Where are you Located: Michigan

Your PvP Experience: A lot of pvp experience, very good at it too. On average i kill about probably 5-6 armed players before dying.

Favorite Gun/Combo: as-50 and l85-thermal scope.

DayZ Clan Experience: not much clan experience.

How familiar with the map are you: Very firmilar, i know it back and forth now.

How good are your navigation skills (compass, grids, maps etc.): very good

Do You want to Be Squad Leader: Yeah

If So, why should we choose you: Because i take responsibility for anything that would happen to people under my command. That and i'm a good strategist in combat.

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