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US 540 Seattle Hacker Jammer Time

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I logged into US 540 with high hopes after dying, spawned in elektro so i ran up the side of Dolbryy hill, 4 dead bodies all with ghillies, AS50 TWS, DMR ect ect ect, so i took the most legit looking stuff and ran back down the hill, when a guy teleported to me, i shot him about 8 times with the dmr, but he was dragging someone, apperently he took the time to teleport to some random guy, hatchet him till he fell unconcious, teleported to me, but i managed to shoot and kill the guy we was dragging but the guy who was dragging him Jammer Time, wouldnt die, so as he dropped the guy and took his hatchet out i aborted.

So Jammer Time, dumb hacker noob, if anyone sees him on a server, avoid that server.

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Hacker makes it ok, if 8 DMR shots dont kill him then there is no killing him, i think he got perma gliched when i killed the guy he was dragging, because he was just walking around like he was dragging someone after the guy died and was laying on the ground, so who knows.

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