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THE BEST DayZ Clan is Recruiting... AGAIN!

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- Username/Handle: Robot Talk

- Age: 18

- Why do you want to join weRtherapists?: Looking for a group to play with.

- What is your favorite role?: (Sniper? Bunny/Baiter/Looter? Support/Rifleman?) Looter

- How many hours of DayZ do you play on a daily bases?:1-2 maybe more, depends on my college classes

- Do you Teamspeak?: yes

- Do you have a microphone?: yes

- Are you willing to kill another player sometime during your trial period to become an official member of the clan?: yes

- Anything else you would like to add?: I have the resources to further expand this clan if need be.

Edited by Robot Talk

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- Username/Handle: sean

- Age: 23

- Why do you want to join weRtherapists?: Looking for some older mature people to play with regularly

- What is your favorite role?: (Sniper? Bunny/Baiter/Looter? Support/Rifleman?) Any

- How many hours of DayZ do you play on a daily bases?: 2-3 (gets boring alone though so I tend to sigh off)

- Do you Teamspeak?: Yes

- Do you have a microphone?: Yes

- Are you willing to kill another player sometime during your trial period to become an official member of the clan?: Yes

- Anything else you would like to add?: PBR is the shit

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Title is MISLEADING, as you have absolutely no way to prove that you are the "BEST" DayZ clan.

Also, considering you have an age limit of 18, there is absolutely no way you can be the "BEST" DayZ clan, whether it comes to skill or other factors.

i think this clan is crap lol

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- Username/Handle:Tanner is my ingame dayz game My steam name is GrandPappyKush

- Age:18

- Why do you want to join weRtherapists?: Because i love to rape the shit out of zombies

- What is your favorite role?: (Sniper? Bunny/Baiter/Looter? Support/Rifleman?) Support/rifleman

- How many hours of DayZ do you play on a daily bases?: 10 hours a day

- Do you Teamspeak?:Yes sir

- Do you have a microphone?: Yes

- Are you willing to kill another player sometime during your trial period to become an official member of the clan?: Yes

- Anything else you would like to add?: I got some shit i could help you guys out when ever needed i know chernaraus very well and i know how to dupe

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Title is MISLEADING, as you have absolutely no way to prove that you are the "BEST" DayZ clan.

Stop being a twat, all clans do this as a promotion of themselves. "Proclaim yourself as #1 and people will flock." Also, how would you know that they aren't? Do you yourself have proof otherwise?

Also age has no factor. In this game, you lose focus. you die.

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- Username/Handle:

- Age:

- Why do you want to join weRtherapists?:

- What is your favorite role?: (Sniper? Bunny/Baiter/Looter? Support/Rifleman?) Sniper/Riflemen

- How many hours of DayZ do you play on a daily bases?:10

- Do you Teamspeak?: yes

- Do you have a microphone?: yes

- Are you willing to kill another player sometime during your trial period to become an official member of the clan?: yes

- Anything else you would like to add?: nope

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- Username/Handle: alex

- Age: 17

- Why do you want to join have been looking for a team for weeks now have decided to look on the forums for a good thread and read this

- What is your favorite role?: (Sniper? Bunny/Baiter/Looter? Support/Rifleman?) Basically anything i prefer sniper tho

- How many hours of DayZ do you play on a daily bases?: 5

- Do you Teamspeak?: YEs i do..

- Do you have a microphone?: Yeah

- Are you willing to kill another player sometime during your trial period to become an official member of the clan?: IF we are talking about real life then yes. Actually in game also, yes

- Anything else you would like to add?:Im 17 i am on dayZ alot and will be able to come to peoples rescues asap if i am on that is will risk my life for other's because i know you can secure me

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