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slartibartfast (DayZ)

is there some way to change my player name in game?

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I want to change my player name but the profile editor won't let me.

Is there some way to do this without having to start all over again with a new profile?

Assuming that I can even do that without having to purchase the game again of course.

Edited by EMT - Jasz
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Main Menu, Profiles, New.

You start all over but you can switch back and forth between the profiles.

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Ok. For the record.

It would appear that when you create a new profile then the new name is what is used but with your current character.

All gear remains the same and you will spawn where you logged out.

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Everyone kinda knew that anyway, lol. It's impossible to have 2 different DayZ characters (main hive) on the same ARMA II CD key.

Edited by mZLY

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I was just wondering where the Profile page/name is accessed from; I ask as I've simply downloaded the game (minutes ago) with steam, set up to play through SixNetworks and been in the game and its picked a vanilla name from... well actually I don't know where it got the name from... lol...

So, in short - do I change some profile in the game?... Arma2 UI interface?.... Do I change something in Steam itself?.... Do I need to go eat beans quietly in a corner and wait for someone to scoop my brains out? :blush:

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You get to be one player per copy of the game that you own (or key code).

However, if you just want to change the name of your character, use the instructions already given. Go into arma2, combined ops or arrowhead, and edit your character's name/face etc.

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I was just wondering where the Profile page/name is accessed from; I ask as I've simply downloaded the game (minutes ago)........

Load arma2 OA and then you can get to the options menu. If you use commander or six then it takes you straight to the server screen.

Remember though that you probably won't be able to play dayZ from here unless you have modified the start up options in the shortcut.

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However, if you just want to change the name of your character, use the instructions already given. Go into arma2, combined ops or arrowhead, and edit your character's name/face etc.

Are you blind? Or just stupid? People say that they cannot edit their name in the profile.

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Thanks for the replies peeps - have brains... :thumbsup:

The steps I followed to get my name changed in DayZ were:

1. Launch Arma2 stand alone.

2. Access "Profiles" from the main menu

3. Create a new profile - setting the name, head, glasses etc.

4. Double click the profile so it becomes active (the name appears at the top left).

5. Close Arma2.

6. Restart SixNetworks and go back into DayZ.

This did however leave me with a new puzzle, the original profile (the one I have no idea who it got there) its still there, and the top of the profiles list in my game, and I can not delete it... Which is a little odd... I've not played the single player game at all, so not being able to delete that original profile is a little unhelpful.

But, hey ho, sorted now... :rolleyes:

:beans: Anyone?

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:beans: Anyone?

I'll take your beans and give you some back too.

I'm glad I asked now cos it really seems to have been the daft, unasked question.

You have also explained the actual process perfectly.


Edited by EMT - Jasz

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Everyone kinda knew that anyway, lol. It's impossible to have 2 different DayZ characters (main hive) on the same ARMA II CD key.

If you have nothing positive to add then please STFU!

From the question and many responses it is quite obvious that 'we' did not kinda know that.

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