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Announcement: Freeside Trading Co. Open Trade Events Suspended

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Freeside Trading Co will be suspending our weekly trade events until further notice.

We've come across a few issues that make it very expensive to do these ops:
  • Hackers: I don't like to play the blame game, but the hackers suck ass. We've gone about 3 months every weekend regardless, but recently it's gotten really bad. The hackers really kill our morale more than anything, and these weekly trade events make us a rather large target.
  • Tents and Vehicles: Since they don't save, there's no way for us to turn a profit. Every time we get a batch of items, we've got no place to store them.
  • School: Many of our members are in college, and a new semester is starting. As such, we're somewhat short-staffed. This is a much more temporary problem; once the semester gets started and we get settled in, we should have more of our veteran manpower for ops.

Now, this isn't to say we are closing shop. Far from it, in fact. We'll be devoting more of our time to working within the Coalition, and we're taking some time to make some internal adjustments. Freeside is still facilitating requested trades, and we're still a great place to find and sell gear. We're also starting up our mercenary division, so we'll be able to start filling contracts soon!

It is still possible we will run occasional weekend trade events, but there will be no guarantee as to when that might be. Check the forums, we'll post here if we decide to do an event either the Wednesday or Thursday before the op. Times will be the same, but we may be trying out new locations.

Once tents correctly save and the hackers have been more squashed out by the beta patches, we'll be back to our weekly schedule. Again, this does not mean Freeside is dead - we're just halting our weekend trade events.

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damn... the beginning of the end. official trading has been closed indefinitely :(

No, our open trade events have been closed indefinitely. We still do officially requested trades.

Edit: While I can't say we'll have a fully staffed event, if you happen to be on our TS over the weekend you might be able to arrange a trade with us.

Edit 2: Actually please do so... Would give my guys something to do :P In the meantime, USE US! For whatever, really. A part of that morale problem can be healed with good feels. Help us help you, which in turn helps with our morale.

Edited by Publik

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if you really want to help me i am in dire need of basic supplies, map compass, watch, knife etc. i don't have much though

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We're also starting up our mercenary division, so we'll be able to start filling contracts soon!

Can you explain further? might apply for it if it suits me right

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it's a shame but totally understandable. Hopefully I will get to meet you in the Stand-alone!

see you on the other side :beans:

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Can you explain further? might apply for it if it suits me right

I am the founder of the Freeside Mercenary Division. Basically what we will be doing is completing contracts for people who fill the forms out.

What we do OFFICIALLY:

  • Hit Contracts (Kill person(s) of special interest to others)
  • Medical Contracts (Give medical supplies to those who are immobile)
  • Security Contracts (Guard bases, Guard person(s))
  • Transport Contracts (If you need a safe ride to a location)

What we will be doing accasionally : Freeside Guarded Trades (for a safe trade)

If you are interested in joining the Freeside Mercenary Division, go to http://www.freesidetrading.co

Edited by Cori

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That's a bitch, I was just going to send in a application.

You still can :P We've got plenty of things to get done. Like I said, we're just halting our weekly staffed trade events. Other operations are still on-going.

if you really want to help me i am in dire need of basic supplies, map compass, watch, knife etc. i don't have much though

Hop on our TS (info can be found here) and ask around. I'm sure someone is available to help you out.

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well freeside i see that i have finally destroyed your operation. I hope that you start up again sometime cause it was fun fighting u guys


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well freeside i see that i have finally destroyed your operation. I hope that you start up again sometime cause it was fun fighting u guys


Maximus, don't take credit for what you didn't do, unless of course you are confessing to the use of hacks against us?

You seem to have missed the other important parts, like the current state of the tents/vehicles and our members school commitments. Our operations are far from destroyed, in fact they are expanding with the launch our mercenary division and working with The Coalition.

You've done nothing.

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