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Moments combat loggers miss

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Partner and i were running down from Novy to a bicycle spawn on the main road near Guglovo. Zeds spawned just near a few crappy buildings halfway between Guglovo and Novy , instead of taking them out we cut a right into a plowed dirt field to take a curve around them. Halfway across this field i hear this slight droning in my headphones..'shhhhh be quiet ..i think i can hear a vehicle ..' its about 1.25 am and cloudy, we both have nvgs though.

I crept up towards the road going from bush to bush when this motorbike comes roaring up the road with two dudes on it..she has moved back towards the treeline. I tell her to go prone behind a tree and scope them, but she had lost her DMR previously and only had an ak74 kob and m1911. No matter, i tell her if shit hits the fan just try and cover me as best you can and pissbolt for the full forest if you need too.

The bike dives off the road and heads into the field, they would have known we were there as they would have spotted the zeds when they came up the road. They head for me and my partner is like ' they are comin staight at you ! ' i am crouched and have them mscoped but i always have this stupid plan that we can try and hook up with other survivors, or just say gday and head our seperate ways.. 50/50 it works..really.

So they must have spotted me scoping them from beside my small bit of scrub bush as they suddenly veer away full noise back to the road. I crouch follow and get to beside the road and prone in some bushes trying to spot them. The road here is higher than the field so i am fully covered on one side from being spotted. I assume they have thermal and tell my partner to try and stay as concealed as possible or work her way to the rise behind her so she get down the other side and be fully hidden. She says she is too scared too move lol..we can both hear th bike faintly, then it goes quiet.

We wait.

About ten seconds later shooting erupts and i can hear the thwip noise over ts of the bullets passing by her..'they are shooting at me fuk fuk fuk! ' i tell her to get up and boss it over the rise , i will see if i can spot them if they follow. Then she says she is hit and bleeding. So far they have fired at least ten or so times , she is still at about 6 blood and has made the rise and going down the other side. She tells me she sees a barn directly in front and is going in to bandage. I am just looking around waiting for someone to pop their head up somewhere.

She makes the barn and immediately has to cap a zed, and as she starts to bandage another zed is on her, broken legs, timer..dead. Fuk. I am wanting to bolt for the opposite forest but only have a general idea of where these two guys are, the forest i want to get to is a good 30-45 second sprint so chances of death are possibly high. Where i am is a nice little spot as like i said they could only see me from one side and since me and my partner where seperated by a couple of hundred metres i dont know if they would be looking for me there.

I decide to chance it and get up ready to piss bolt..then i am diconnected from game. Fuuuuck. Try three times to reconnect but my partner who has spawned at Drakon says i am getting some sort of error on her screen when i enter. Ten or so minutes later i finally get in after i do a steam verify (thanks guys who i asked last night for help) , i spawn at the same spot, go to the barn and grab her nvgs and gps and head down the road to meet her halfway. Every know and again i can hear the bike in the distance so i stick to the treeline all the way down and we meet up again jsut south of Staroye.

Was a good heart pumpin little sesh even though i never fired a shot, and never saw the shooters after they booked it through the field on their bike. Just knowing that they were out there looking for us, possibly with thermals and that we were going to lose all of our shit and have to start afresh had me keyed up.

Flip side was when i got booted at least the guys would have seen my char name get booted becasue of the error code so they knew we did not log, obviously they would have notched up a kill as well. Because we dont log unless it is a teleport or the Alice message it just isnt a factor when it comes to our gameplay. In a shoot out or an ambush wether it is with suspected thermal equipped players, snipers or some crazy fuk with an axe, doesnt matter , stay and play. If we would log in situations like that the whole feel of the game and being in a tight situation where you more than likely do not have the upper hand becomes a moot point. All you are doing is hanging onto your gear and nothing more.

tldr..wall of text..meh.

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Eh, I was got into a shoot out with a sniper before in Elektro, I was on Dobryy and him on hill 115 north of Elektro. We started trading shots, I lost. Neither combat logged. I was rather excited and glad to be in that little engagement. Although I did exact revenge later by picking up gear from dead players I killed trying to find me on Dobryy, running over to hill 115 and put a bullet through his noggin. :P

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