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US 905 is no more *details inside*

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Most of you know me here for my ownership of US 905, my advocating of more power to the admins, and my slight blow up at another server owner/admin.

Unfortunatly US 905 is currently no more its was discontinued as of saturday, if you lost tents, camps, gear i do apologize. There were unfortunate file and save corruption.

Have no fear, i will be operating a new server in the next week. With the same rules and guidelines as before, my vigalence will still be there but this time with help there will be a total of 5 server admins including myself watching the server via Rcon or being physically on there server so response time will be faster if not instant. If there is an odd time were there is no admin watching and funky stuff its going down i will be providing my "alternate" skype name for anyone to call or msg at anytime of say to assist you.

The benifits of me getting a new server and new ID give us a fresh map with no stay forever tents and hopefully better car spawn selection, b.c idk if you guys notcied but there was like 4 buses, 3 white trucks, and both URALs. no Military offroad had spawned, and i think we had a UAZ once on the server and the damn Helicopter changed hands at least 3 times a day...... why no one blew it up i have no idea but i salute you i dont think we all wanted to wait 7days for a respawn. Also the dick placed wire traps and hedgehog will be gone.

All in all its for the better, with more monitoring admins and hopefully a better player experince for you all. I will be pushing for the server Time Zone to be Day light during the night hours of Eastern standard time US, thos are my main gaming hours.

If you have any thoughts or querys about the server rules the names of the admins or anything at all please post here and i will answer you promptly.

Thank you for your time

Sorry for the text wall


PS i will be starting guild wars 2 on the server Isle of Janthir helping running a guild so please msg me for an Invite we would love to have you. (PM me and ill give you my account name.numbers privately)

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I'll be looking for the new server and will be happy to start hunting for wire and hedgehog emplacements to dismantle.

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