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Looking to trade

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I've got a somewhat general trade request.

Here's what I want:

I want mags. High-end mags, I don't care what gun they're for as long as the gun is hard as fuck to find without duping.

I also want road flares and chem lights.

A toolbox and some wire

A tent

I'm willing to trade:

Cooked meat

DMR + 7 or 8 mags (I forget how many i have, more than i need)

M4A1 SD + ~5 mags

Coyote Backpack (if you want this you will have to throw in an ALICE for me to use)

PDW + 4 mags

If both primary guns are traded, I will need a replacement. Preferably an AK-74 variant or M-series rifle

And if you're looking to ambush me... why bother? I'm looking to trade most everything I've got for stuff that's not too hard to find. I'm just a lazy fuck who doesn't feel like looking for it

Edited by TankFodder

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I'll give you a toolbox wire, and a tent, and I'll collect road falres and chem lights, for your M4a1 SD without mags, and your Coyote backpack, or whatever you feel fitting

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Throw in an ALICE and I'll throw in the mags. Send me a pm if you're interested

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