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Nothing fantastic about watching someone be a punk b***h to an unarmed player.

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sniping videos in general bore the living shit out of me... I don't understand how snipers in this game can sit in the trees for hours silently watching a town waiting for someone to go in and loot just so they can shoot an unarmed player from a mile away.... boooooring

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>>no backpack

>>shoot on unarmed

He try to backstab me , when i looked back he runned away , i had in backpack AKM , he want to took it and shoot me :D

and in 1:41 - that was cheater , i shooted him 4 times he didnt die..

Edited by Gvaido

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in 1:41 - its cheater , i shooted him 4 times he didnt die

No it's a bugged out corpse. I've seen them a lot lately.

But sniping into main cities with an AM rifle? Not really anything hard, mate.

It's all about the inland convoy ambushes these days.

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No it's a bugged out corpse. I've seen them a lot lately.

But sniping into main cities with an AM rifle? Not really anything hard, mate.

It's all about the inland convoy ambushes these days.

yea true , but i made vid where is 20m combat , everbody aahh bull shit and blablabla..

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Nothing fantastic about watching someone be a punk b***h to an unarmed player.

What are you trying to say? that you are a mega pro skilled bandit killer who never had killed any unarmed player?

I think that you are only one of 1000000... haters who die in this game because of real bandits :)

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If a "real bandit" is one who kills to loot the gear off of the body then yeah half my deaths ended that way, and I don't really care when I die because Rule #1 of Chernarus: never get attached.

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If a "real bandit" is one who kills to loot the gear off of the body then yeah half my deaths ended that way, and I don't really care when I die because Rule #1 of Chernarus: never get attached.

Than stop hate and enjoy video. ;)

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No offense but their really isn't much to enjoy anyway and that is with most Day Z vids because the real fun in the game is actually playing it so... the only real benefit of watching the vids is to learn how to play.

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No offense but their really isn't much to enjoy anyway and that is with most Day Z vids because the real fun in the game is actually playing it so... the only real benefit of watching the vids is to learn how to play.

I agree now , in this days im trying make different videos...

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