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Unable to loot tent/body.

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About two days ago, me and a buddy decided that we should set up a camp, so we scavenged untill we found a Camping Tent, found a sweet location for it (two pine trees fairly close to eachother so the leaves overlap a bit).

So anyways, I pitched the tent down, when I was done I couldnt open the loot so I figured "Hey, maybe it just needs a second or two to recognize that its a tent here!" so I waited, and I waited some more, after ten minutes I tried running away a bit and coming back, I ran in circles around the tent, I tried crawling inside it etc. Nothing worked.

In the end I got bored and started vaulting around, suddenly I find myself stuck between a tree and the tent, so once again I try to vault out. This led to disaster, my leg broke, I started bleeding and I got a two minute unconscious timer. With my buddy screaming at me on skype I freaked out and I tried to tell him the coordinates (he was not there when I pitched the tent as he was scavenging barracks at the time).

In the end we gave up, he was unable to find me, so I bled out, spawned in Cherno and ran straight up to the location of my dead body. Now here's the kicker: Not only am I still unable to loot my tent, I am now also unable to loot my corpse. Thus NV Goggles, GPS, FN-FAL, MP5SD6, M9SD and a ton of other valuables gone to waste.

Is there any solution to this problem?

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Soo anyways, I would never give out my coordinates and/or server as most likely you would just kill me and have a go at looting it.

Eventually I figured it out, got a friend to stop by with some frag grenades in a desperate attempt to blow my corpse away from the tree (in case that was the problem). All it really did was blow away my tent, which was an expected result. In the end (Note: Took me a total of 4 hours) I was now able to crawl inside my corpse (seeing as the tent was gone). And in first person I was able to loot myself and recover all of my gear.

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