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I just recently Installed Dayz and I followed this:

1. Download both ARMA 2 and ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead through Steam

2. Open both of the games to allow them to install the required files, then close them

3. Download all of the DayZ Mod files into a folder (this is now only 1 file, rather than 7)

4. Make a folder named "@DayZ" in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead (or your Operation Arrowhead base folder)

5. Then make a folder inside "@DayZ" named "Addons"

6. Paste all of the downloaded files inside the "Addons" folder

7. Extract all of the downloaded files

8. Go to Steam and right click, properties, set launch options on ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead

9. Insert "-mod=@dayz -nosplash" and click OK

10. Open Operation Arrowhead and select to "Launch ARMA 2: Combined Operations"

When I try to connect to Operating Arrowhead it gives me an error and closes instantly "Bad Serial code given at startup" or something along them lines.

Am I doing this correctly? I've purchased my game off steam.

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