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Player deaths

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It would be cool if you we knew how everyone died i.e. IceboundMetal died from falling or starving to death killed by zombies. But when it comes to PKers just put Player killed by Bandit.

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I have suggested this earlier but I'm not sure if my post wast deleted among other messages and threads last week. So, here's my suggestion for study body feature: it would be awesome if it would also tell you for how long the body has been there. Info could be something like this:

"Body is still warm" -> death occurred no more than few minutes ago, player/zombie threat imminent.

"Body is cooling down" -> death occurred a while ago (5-15mins), player/zombie threat heightened.

"Body is cold" -> death occurred more than 20 minutes ago, player/zombie threat not imminent.

If you found a body that was still warm and was gunned down by bandit or survivor I am sure it would keep players on their toes and add tension to those moments.

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That sounds cool but having to check out a body? IDK about that would just be nice if we had something similar. So we know if someone committed suicide or not in the city. Also giving a location of where they died not an exact just the town name or something.

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