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Survivor Looking for Mature Group/Clam

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Hi, I have been playing this game for some time as a lone wolf, and have gained a good knowlegde of the map and where to find good loot. However it is tough out there when your by yourself and being at the mercey of organized clans of bandits. I prefer to not be in a clan of bandits, as I would rather hunt and kill bandits. I do realize that murders are part of the game and will do what is necessary cept for hunting lone survivors for their loot. I and am looking for a clan of 5-10 players to join in raiding of key locations (airstrips, HCS's, etc).

Name: David

GT: Hutchison

Mic: Not Yet


What can you bring to the clan?: Knowledge of the area, with no need for map or compass. Good at finding key locations and loot. Mature player with common sence of how to survive. Good tactical knowledge. Melee silent killer. No need for the loot of others, I can find my own, but could use some help with more lucrative ventures.

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Still Looking...............

Edited by Hutchison

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hay there's about 15 of us that play on all different server's for now. but we are waiting for our server to be set up. but you are welcome to join us on ts we are 19+ only

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