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Banned from US 1679 for "Bomb Spawning"??!

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Me and my few been buddies been playing on US 1679 for a little over a week now and got banned for supposive Bomb Spawning? whatever that is. Anyways one of our buddies found a camp, we looted it and found multiple AS50's, satchel charges, grenades you name it. After looting it we took nades and satchel charges. Mind you we found this camp in the middle of the night. We threw grenades at the tents to level them ran the hell out of there in fear the might of been around the site and that was the end of the night. After the morning we went back to the camp to check if the tents have been spawned back, and they were. Well we had satchel charges (from their camp loot) and set them on their tents again and leveled the camp. Also found the white pickup truck next to a house by there tents. No sooner than 30 minutes later admin comes on and resets the server. Later in the evening we went back again found trees down and 2 tents still standing. So yet again we grabbed satchel charges and grenades and blew them up and called it a night. Come back to find we are banned for Bomb Spawning?!

We have vids of us finding this camp and blowing it up. I dont see what is wrong with that, someone finds it loots it and blows it up thats fair game. You might not like it but thats the reality of the game. All im asking is to be unbanned so we can gather our gear from our tents and play on another server. And i would love the admin to chime in on this for the reason of our banning. I myself and a buddy have video of 4 of us looting ur camp and leveling it to the ground. Thanks for the explosives to supply us. Not going on about some bs about how ur server is being attacked by hackers and such. We found it we blew it up after we looted ur stuff and you got mad and tried to roll back saves on the server multiple times. Dont be a baby. Thanks.

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might wanna check your server staus again. we had an issue the other night where my hosting provider Vilayer pushed a security update and shut down the server till i could apply it. the bad thing is they are located across the sea so this happened at like 2 am in the morning here. i quickly applied it and got the server back up. what i didnt know is my ban list was gone and nothing was replacing it. without a ban list it acted as if everyone was banned even myself. And for the nice story of resetting to get my tents back, those were not my tents and nor do i care if they were destroyed. the server is only restarted or shutdown for updates or hacking attempts (ie lame thunderdome or teleporting). sorry for the confusion and trust me...this has been more of a pain in my ass then yours.

TLDR; your not banned

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Ohey. I saw you in there, Skunk. I was toolin around gathering car parts. We were looting a crashed chopper when the server decided to imitate the heli and crashed too. If you find a red UAZ full of car parts, care to return it? ;D

Also, no offense.. But you need to calm down a wee bit. And also try looking up what admins can and can't do with their servers. Because rolling back a save is not one of them (don't quote me on it. Just read some stuff.). The tents could've come back because they weren't saved. But how you're supposed to save a tent after it's wrecked it beyond me. Or why it would come back after being destroyed. But.. Server hiccups happen. and shit doesn't get saved. Like my car for instance. I saved it when we got out for the heli crash. I know this because i put my M4 SD into it to pick up a Bizon to store. But when i got back into the server after the crash/restart.. No car.

Edited by Amorak

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Seems fishy buddy because me and Stanky got banned at 930pm, not 2am. And you sir were the one on the server at that time. You had JUST logged in to see your camp destroyed by satchel charges and m67 grenades from us and you banned us as well as restarting the server 6 times. Amorak was also on the server at the time. Your server had only the admins in it for the next 3 days, im assuming so you could move your camp to a new location. Anyone that joined was being kicked/banned. I have video proof of us raiding and destroying your camp 3 times since you kept restarting the server several times to get your gear back.

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Hawnji, looks like we never posted the location of the site we blew up, how do you know we didn't hit yours?

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Just joined the server after my ban was lifted. The camp we hit had 2 tents left standing when we destroyed it and now all tents including the ones we left standing are collapsed with the gear gone. Seems so you guys could move your gear to a new location. Just know I'm coming to blow it up again. You won't know when, but when I find it I will destroy it again and again and again.

- We are the Bombing Bandits, you are NOT safe from us -

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because i play on my server? what kind of stupid question is that. btw nice double post of your bullshit story..makes it more believable.

im out

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Also very coincidental that this server has Multiple complaints about the same issue dating back almost a full month.

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