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Recruiting members for Dayz Clan!

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Me and my friend Yumbra is looking for players to play in EU servers.

Our objectives is to just survive in the zombie apocalypse, and to avoid engagement as much as possible.

Despite that, we still are allowed to fire at sight when certain conditions are met.

To join, you must:

  • Be eligible to play on EU servers
  • Have a microphone
  • Have a headphone and must use when playing with the group
  • Have program of both Skype and Team Speak 3
  • Be able to speak English clearly (Even better if fluently) - If we don't think we can understand your English then I must apologize and eject you from the group
  • Be able pinpoint your location in DayZ with or without a browser map - Such as in west hospital in Cherno
  • Be able to follow orders effectively
  • Have patiences when it's your turn to speak - (You can imagine how outrage it can be if 10 people speaking all at once on the microphone, talking over each other)
  • Not be a hacker
  • Be mature
  • Be able to survive effectively - for example losing zombie hordes and getting through towns

Our typical time to play DayZ is from 2pm GMT till evenings, which I think a suitable time for most players in Europe. (Not sure outside of Europe)

I think it's even better if you're a UK player as me and Chaz is from UK ourselves so it's easier to relate and may find ourselves to better experience, but everyone is invited as long as you met the above conditions.





Time Zone:

Past experiences in DayZ:

Typical time of playing DayZ in GMT time zone:

Additional information (Optional):

Final words

Have fun applying to our DayZ group and we'll hopefully get a sufficient group for a adventurous experiences. I will be adding the section of conditions for shooting players on sight soon!

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