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US 1799 Banned: Admin Ban (Server not responding)

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Ok so my friend and I were exploring Cherno in US 1799. Then the Hive go down, all the servers down. Since we were in a house when that happened, we decided to wait to log back in and get to safer place. The Hive up, servers up, we logged in, run toward where I set up my tent, then we both get desync. Since the Hive just went down earlier, I though it was a maintaince on the Hive. Turn out it not, when we both tried to log in again, it show us: You have been kicked from this server BattlEye: Admin Ban (Server not responding).

We don't know what we did wrong. All we did was found 3 corpes in Cherno and don't know who were so just loot them.

My login name is Hai Nguyen.

Also to be honest:My friend and I were searching around Cherno for parts to repair a bus we saw in Cherno in that server. My friend got an sniper ( don't remember the name) but it a big ass gun have a thermal on it. He got it when we were in another server and a sniper just sniped everyone down in Cherno. He respawned in Elektro and went back to Cherno, saw a sniper, killed him and got all his stuffs. I can guarantee that he not hack or script using.

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It isn't a banned weapon. Besides, if the Admin were banning for illegal weapons, only the friend would be banned.

I logged into the server to see if the Admin gives an email to contact him and he doesn't. But the server messages do state they will ban you even if they think you are cheating.

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I don't know in what way they can consider me cheating. All I have in my gear is a m16 and a m9 SD that about it. We have plenty of medical supplies due to a hospital raid in Cherno. Still pretty unclear why they ban me

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oh for everyone information: When we were getting desync, there aren't anyone in the server except my friend and I. So we thought at first it was the server got a problem

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bump. I don't want to lose all the stuffs i collected for 5 hours in server @_@

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same here "Admin ban (server not responding) no clue why no hacked weapons or anything

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Add myself and another friend.

We had a hacker incident and I pulled a dreaded Alt-F4 but considering I unloaded 2 and 1/2 clips into this piece of shit I realized he was using that same super strength hack that this Jason Vorheehs hackers use.

Something seriously stinks on this server.

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LLTS apperently thinks its ok to ban people from the server for stealling, perhaps they looked at it as stealing when you looted those dead bodies. Banning for stealing is against the EULA from what i hear as well so its only a matter of time before there is no us 1799 server.

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Yea, they banned me for looting, my guess. I jumped on that server, walked around for a bit and saw some tents. Looted it and the next morning I tried to join. I was banned.

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