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Dayz Hunger GameZ

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Thought I'd post this up here for anyone interested, saw this post over at another forum i lurk and its the first I've seen about it. Dunno what section to post it in though.

"So folks bit of a heads up for those who enjoy some zombie hunting,

The Day-Z hunger Game-Z will be kicking off tomorrow.

Timer > tmdwn.com/2m5o

If you dont know what it is check it out


All the big streamers are going to be there...sacriel...pcgamer...brotato...All in teams of 2 with 12 players in total. I think its going to be limited to a town like Berezino with maybe abit around it forest wise. Make sure to tune into their streams tomo to see who will win!

/bias gogoteamsacriel"

Original thread: http://www.tek-9.org/forum/off_topic-22/day-z_hunger_gamez_live_tomorrow-113785.html

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excellent, I heard one of the streamers mention it a while ago but with no further details I thought I may have missed it.

They'd have gotten double kudos points from me though if it had been called "DayZ Battle Royal" instead...


Edited by ironman Tetsuo

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Inb4 hacker joins and ruins it for you. I will bet money on that.

Wow really? could have at least watched the video which says its a private server (most likely password protected). BTW I'm not involved with it at all, just thought i'd share the info.

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They couldn't have done it to a better time than 04:00h GMT+2

Edited by MrBlacky
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Inb4 hacker joins and ruins it for you. I will bet money on that.

Not sure if troll.... Or stupid...

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