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I...I Don't Understand.

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So, I was up in Elektro hills today, counter-sniping, when I saw a small...Idk what it was, I'm still kind of new to the game, but it looked like an old Volkswagon Van coming through Elektro. I thought "Hey, that's cool!", before I saw the thing run over two survivors with hatchets in the street. I then decided that they didn't need to keep the van. It turns out, there was only one person. He came to a stop near the industrial area of Elektro, and got out to loot a warehouse. I popped my Rangefinders, and the yardage was at 521, easy enough shot with an SVD camo. On his way back to the van, I couldn't get a clean shot, so I waited for him to hop in, and was going to just pop him through the window. I put two quick shots through the driver's window, nothing happened. 2 more...Nothing still. I reload, then proceed to empty my entire clip through the window, and shooting both tires facing me. I reload again, scope in, and see the guy running. I put a chest shot on him (I saw no plume of dust from the ground, so I'm assuming it was a hit), then the guy falls down, in the death pose. (face up, sprawled)...No death message. He then disappears, and the van is gone from existence when I look back at it. Can someone tell me what happened? (This was my first assault on a vehicle btw, so I didn't know what to expect.)

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Probably a scripter but it sounds like he did not have God mode on because he fell. If that happens again make sure to shoot him after he falls to finish him off, he might have just gone unconscious and then logged off to die on a low population server so he could retrieve gear. The car thing is weird because even if you destroy the vehicle you will see a smoking shell of the car, but vehicles are buggy so it might have just been a glitch.

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Servers can get extremely laggy in a very annoying fashion. You can hit someone directly during a server freeze-up but have to wait until the next server tick to register. You probably hit him multiple times but it took a long time for the actual hit to register. As for the vehicle disappearing, the player may have been driving during the freeze-up and it is stopped somewhere ahead of your position. And, like that brony said, possible hacker.

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I gotta go back to the OP here... "New to the game" but have SVD camo and rangefinders? Did you luck out with that crap on a sniper body or something?

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I gotta go back to the OP here... "New to the game" but have SVD camo and rangefinders? Did you luck out with that crap on a sniper body or something?

He's batman

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I would like to know his story too, off topic, of course, of how he came to own the SVD. I have only had it twice and i have been playing since May.

OP: If you shot him from, 600 odd metres away, chances are that your bullet did not do as much damage as it would close up. And maybe the dust cloud was too far away to see. I cannot remember if dust kicks up when you are that far away.

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OP: If you shot him from, 600 odd metres away, chances are that your bullet did not do as much damage as it would close up. And maybe the dust cloud was too far away to see. I cannot remember if dust kicks up when you are that far away.

SVD is accurate out to 800 meters I believe, full damage and such, kind of the point of a sniper rifle. But yeah, at that kind of distance I lose the impact point of my shots quite often.

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Die he mention that he parked his chopper near his truck and atv just before heading to Elektro ?

Just hackin ya op :) but i thought the same as most when reading the thread..new to game, rangefinders and then svd.I have only seen two svds in many months. Duping and hackers.Bastids.

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Man it took me about a month and a half of play to find my first rangefinders and I still have yet to see an SVD camo. I clearly must be doing it wrong.

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Just kill the fags who camp Elektro hill. Easiest loot ever.

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Sorry for the super late reply to the questions asked.

#1: I have this gear from axing a question to a sniper in Electro the other day. He was distracted I suppose, by the multitudes of people running around in the city, and I heard shooting from the Eastern industrial area. Ran up the hill, saw him relocating to a better position. Ran up behind him, and he decided he wanted to make out with my axe for some reason. Strange people in this game. Needless to say, I won that quick fight.

#2: Yes, I had a rangefinder with the SVD. The sniper had it on him, and it was my first one. I wanted to use it, and I like to play it safe. Those 30 meter difference in your estimation with the SVD rangefinder? Too much of a variable for me.

#3: I'm not entirely *New* to the game, I had been playing about 3 weeks before this encounter. I still consider myself a *new* player though.

On a more related note, thanks everyone for the feedback! It didn't seem to be a laggy server, my framerate was around 28 fps, with only 65ms ping. But who knows?

Edited by Grassman

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Yes, you guys are playing this game wrong if you're having such a hard time finding an SVD. I can't even tell you how many SVDs I've passed up because I was happy with my current weapon. And Range Finders are really a waste of space along with entrenching tools and radios. Most of the SVDs, AS50s etc I've come acroos were in tents and correct me if I'm wrong but also at heli crash sites. So go tent hunting and you'll find all sorts of neat stuff!

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