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Handcuff or rope to tie someone up

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This game is all about trusting people.

What about introducing handcuffs or rope to tie someones hands together so he cant use a weapon?

Or tie someone to a pole or object xD

Also if someone is handcuffed or roped and hes in a vehicle u can boot him xD

Only way to remove is by a other player wearing a toolbox or something ^_^


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Rope would seem more likely to happen. Who the hell would find handcuffs? I never saw a police station at all... ;w;

Anyways, this seems to be an idea to work over... But I got nothing. I usually have something to add, but... not this time.

Ejecting from a vehicle at high speed, due to the way the game is made, would kill the tied person on impact... = waste of rope. :I (Not sure though.)

Edited by Chiromishi

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This is a great suggestion. I cant see it happening, but love it all the same. Have some beans boyie, you must be starving :)

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Try the Fallout 3 prostitution mod. It has fisting, whatever it is you guys like to do to each other...

Not in DayZ though plz...

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This idea seems awesome. I can see many uses for it, sexually and non-sexually. Not that I would have any reason to use it sexually...

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Restraints and less-than-lethal weaponry has been suggested before. I'm on board with this idea, but you have to de-grief it a bit. You can't have people stun-locking someone for an eternity. So either enable respawn if they are knocked out/tied up, or have it kill someone if it is done to them repeatedly. Other than that, bring on the rubber bullets, zip-tie handcuffs and bean-bag rounds.

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Honestly i'd probably just choose death over being stuck doing nothing while being tied up since i'd probably be killed before the release timer expires...

On the other hand i'd also probably tie someone and try to drag them onto some train tracks waiting for a miracle... then shoot them when they got free out of disappointment

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I'd say put like a 60 second timer or 120 second timer on it, at which point in time the character (who is able to run 100+km nonstop) will wiggle out of it and be unrestrainable for a following 30 seconds.

Having a hunting knife in posession reduces this holding time. (or until removed by restrainers)

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Good in theory, but it seems more geared towards role-players. Most likely this will be used the same as wire fencing is used: griefing. Don't get me wrong, I like your idea. However, I see many people attempting to alt-F4 out of this and call the reddit rescue squad to cut them free.

How about finding a way that this hinders a player, but doesn't permanently leave them unable to function for an indefinite time. Maybe bind their hands; won't be able to use weapons, but can eat/drink/use items and objects. That way players can bind a bandit's hands and set them free to ensure that they don't hurt anyone else until they get it off. I can see this starting a "Police Force" group whose main goal is to tie up bandits. Also; while binded, maybe players can drag them as well.

Edited by navx2810

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Good idea. If the rope had a tie down time like 10 minutes and you could affiliate the use of it to humanity. Instead of killing a bandit tieing a bandit = double the humanity points earned. Bandit looting someone by tieing them instead of killing = lose only half humanity points. Also maybe you could use the rope to climb down rooftops and maybe upper levels in buildings. And also maybe if you get the horses (rideable) in to the game you could save your horse like a vehicle only if you had a rope. If you also had saddlebags on the horse you could have items on it... Besides every hero has to have a rope! :P

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I like this idea i think of course it would only work if the player is unconscious.

I understand peoples arguments with its to restricting and player could get stun locked, However I want to say this

Group the fuck up! There needs to be more risks besides getting eaten by a zombie if your alone you risk being knocked out tied up gun taken and left for dead.

However I do think if someone has a knife the they should be able to cut out of the ties but it would be like a minute or 2 minute animation. (but the guy could steal the knife from your unconscious body and by then your Shit outta luck)

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This game is all about trusting people.

I don't think that's a good reason to add but i do like the idea i mean saying to someone "Ok you maybe be friendly but i don't trust you can stick with me if i tie your hands together" or "I'm gonna tie you a tree for my own safety" so they you cant defend your self isn't the best way to make friends. Trust me I've tried an the police don't like it either...

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