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Cant seem to get some keys to work what am I doing wrong?

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I am trying to figure out why all the sudden I cant go into 3rd person view. I push the right enter key but does nothing I must have hit another key or something cant figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.

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I am trying to figure out why all the sudden I cant go into 3rd person view. I push the right enter key but does nothing I must have hit another key or something cant figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.

Make sure you're playing in a server which allows 3rd person. Which launcher are you using?

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Day Z Commander

Right, then you need to look down the left hand side and choose the icon that corresponds to 3rd person view. Click it green to make sure that only servers which have 3rd person enabled are listed. Anything you click red will filter OUT so be careful.

While you're at it, it's worth setting up the other filters based on your preferences (nameplates, tracers etc) and things like full/empty servers and ping ranges.

This should solve your problem.

Edited by kander

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If you're using commander then you can add a filter that shows you only servers that allow 3rd person

Edit: damn ninja'd

Edited by elasticz

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Ok thank you I am freakin 28 man and this is the first game I have ever played I have a brother in law that said I just had to buy a computer to play this and I had him do all the downloading I know nothing of any of this game I am a ultra mega NOOB. If you have any other tips I am not even sure of how to write on a forum guess i did well for a first timer.

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The server I am on has 3rd person view I just must have locked my enter key some how I have tried to double tap and hit num lock.

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Mate, you bought a computer to play this? That's extreme dedication. TBH I probably would do the same, this game is the nuts..I hope you end up in the camp that love it rather than whine about the bugs ;)

Folk in the new player forums are generally pretty helpful if you have any questions.. It's maybe not the friendliest community but you'll find out what you need. Main forum tip - make sure you do a search, even if it's a quick one, before asking questions - duplicate threads are annoying.

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The server I am on has 3rd person view I just must have locked my enter key some how I have tried to double tap and hit num lock.

Hmm then I'm not too sure.. try checking the key bindings in 'options' and make sure Arma II hasn't changed it by accident?

Edited by kander

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