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US 1679 Ban Appeal. Hawnji, could i have a word?

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Okay, so i've played on that server for a few days now, and pulled an all nighter to fix up a UAZ, in which i drove all around with my two friends collecting vehicle parts to fix a URAL. Only to have the car lost when the server crashed (restarted?) early in the morning. It was down for somewhere over an hour before it was back up. With no sleep i hiked ass all over the place to get the URAL in working order. Not before trapping it in around barb wire and tank traps to deter people from fiddling with it. With the help of a friend i fix it up and hide it. I pass out an grab some sleep. I come back to check if it's there, and i've been banned for item spawning. Can you explain to me where this happened? Because i do not possess any of the tools to spawn items, and anything i've used was legitimately gathered.

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I was one of the people with him, and I can vouch saying that everything we did was legitimate - I logged onto the server yesterday, I wasn't banned. Only Amorak received one.

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might wanna check your server staus again. we had an issue the other night where my hosting provider Vilayer pushed a security update and shut down the server till i could apply it. the bad thing is they are located across the sea so this happened at like 2 am in the morning here. i quickly applied it and got the server back up. what i didnt know is my ban list was gone and nothing was replacing it. without a ban list it acted as if everyone was banned even myself. when i got home i rebuilt the ban list and you my friend are not on it. sorry for the confusion and everything should be back in working order.

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No, i just tried to join 1679 and it still says i'm Banned. "You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Admin Ban (Item Spawning))"

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Still a no go. Won't let me in. For the same reason as before. :/

I get to see a flash of the lobby screen before that pops up. But that's all.

Edited by Amorak

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probably requires restart... im looking at my ban list and the bans ive added look like this.

5f2eff5e9f8f1f9d367508bbd2d0e0fd -1 you are a hack go away

e6b9711d75e25c270bbab20420da1106 -1 you are a hack go away

f0387ae6a016e1dafd3c1baa896aa967 -1 you are a hack go away

884695b379b1d470a3e0540f20e1968e -1 you are a hack go away

cb839b0d4ac3ef5b5630d210069a37f9 -1 you are a hack go away

eff7d73f6d1c9afaff4c3d7b468068ba -1 you are a hack go away

dabe16729c347349510919a87f34e9a7 -1 you are a hack go away

93d8b7dfb3d7839315b00bc546f9ab2a -1 you are a hack go away

2bf6ddc62fbcc80d0def6eedf5e0f347 -1 you are a hack go away

c74d394733a25f10704d36e948428cfa -1 you are a hack go away

7f1ee9864b584da4266439e8a441675b -1 you are a hack go away

06e6358a63ac4990bf8dd4ac8a3afdd2 -1 you are a hack go away

3e6f0a8ebb266e91b018ad7a9743bcb4 -1 you are a hack go away

966645d1f34a6ef9dcd70e65a884c918 -1 you are a hack go away

3732549d53b262b8a4765df530f1b65d -1 you are a hack go away

b11de0438fa39a0971e1cf1fd64defe3 -1 you are a hack go away

the only comment i ever put is "you are a hack go away"...let me try a restart in the morning..see if i can get you fixed. i dont see your guid in the ban list anywhere.

BTW - your not the only one having this problem. 2 of my friends are currently banned. one for "being a seagull" and the other for "spawny choppy thingies" so yeah..wtf

Edited by hawnji

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Alright, i guess. Hope you can fix it soon.. I (hopefully/better) have a URAL sitting there waiting for me. And my tent else where. :/

Maybe someone tampered with your ban list? Those are some.. stupidly weird reasons.

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It still isn't letting me in.


It now appears to be fixed as i can join the lobby. Thanks. c:

i'll let you know if anymore problems occur.

Edited by Amorak

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Seems fishy buddy because me and Stanky got banned at 930pm, not 2am. And you sir were the one on the server at that time. You had JUST logged in to see your camp destroyed by satchel charges and m67 grenades from us and you banned us as well as restarting the server 6 times. Amorak was also on the server at the time. Your server had only the admins in it for the next 3 days, im assuming so you could move your camp to a new location. Anyone that joined was being kicked/banned. I have video proof of us raiding and destroying your camp 3 times since you kept restarting the server several times to get your gear back.

Also I added 3 of the admins to steam during this and you ALL blocked me on my steam account. Now why would you do that if you knew there was an issue with your server? Shouldn't you be helpful to those who had a home on your server?

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why you gotta sit in here talkin shit and making bullshit stories up? no one got banned for camp destroying or anything of the sort. but now the facts...

1. I am the ONLY admin on the server...so for 3 days you only saw myself in the server? gtfo kid

2. I have never kicked anyone from the server while they were playing unless it was a proven hacker.

3. I dont add random people on steam...i have 14 people on there and know them all. your not part of that club. again...i am the sole US 1679 admin. read the comments on server join.

4. No one was banned from the server for bs reasons. not your friend or your dumbass. you wanna rage the fuck out about a server...guess what..dont care and find one of the other 4000 servers available.

5. you want a copy of my ban list? ill be more than happy to give it to you.

5. cry me a river kid

im out

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Here's another video of us blowing your camp up before you restarted the server.


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You guys are just wasting my time now. Keep bitching if you want. I'm past the point of caring about 2 douchers who are not even banned.

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Funny how you didn't lift the ban until it hit the forums though. You're a joke and you realize we caught you red handed and now that you're scared there is a chance your server could be blacklisted you panicked and removed our bans. However, we are still pursuing mere justification with the Dev Team and Forum Support.

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Hmmm, I don't think I believe your story, but that's just me anyway.

Maybe an admin is going to be more generous, who knows?

hm I don't think anyone cares what you believe, seriously I hate how everyone acts like bogus kicks/bans are not a problem, it happens to me every now and then, right now I am pissed becasue I am banned from a server where I Was fixing up an ATV and I have a tent full of stuff.

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Guys. The thread is done. I'm not banned anymore, last i checked. So stop trying to talk in it.

As for Idolized and Skunk? I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't fix your bans because you've been acting like little shits since the whole thing started. Stay in your own threads.

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This is awsome i swear i wanna play dayz and than imbanned i never hacked i search every thing i had myself 2 days ago im stuckin the debug area and no admin or somethng helped me Dayz team please you suck im a legit player and now im Banned for doing nothing nobody other plays on my acc i didnt even lootet a hacker tent or body but im banned im ashamed this is such an good game but getting banned for nothing and no help from admins is awsome player name JinxX player id 33142342 Please do something

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This is awsome i swear i wanna play dayz and than imbanned i never hacked i search every thing i had myself 2 days ago im stuckin the debug area and no admin or somethng helped me Dayz team please you suck im a legit player and now im Banned for doing nothing nobody other plays on my acc i didnt even lootet a hacker tent or body but im banned im ashamed this is such an good game but getting banned for nothing and no help from admins is awsome player name JinxX player id 33142342 Please do something

First of all what are you? Six years old? Learn to grammatically correct what you have written and proof-read it all before you post it.

Secondly, as the moderator Max Planck has previously told you, the team on this forum cannot and will not be able to help you if you are stuck or banned, it is not something they can control. If you need to get help with a ban contact Battleye directly as they are in control of bans, unless it is a server admin ban and then you will need to locate and contact the admin of the specific server directly.

Lastly, saying "the Day Z team sucks" will not get you anywhere, in fact quite the opposite, it will only make the team be less likely to respond in a nice way, also it just makes you look like a disrespectful child. Learn some manners.

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