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Storage Capacity For Tents and Vechiles..

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Problem: You build a camp, and start to put items in the tents etc. that you have, and i know you can count the items in it manually, but ive had the problem off loosing track and it is suddenly filled and you end up loosing a weapon or ammo etc. that you put into it.. which can be rather annoying, especially for players that havent read the wiki and are un-aware off the storage capacity for the tent.

This also applies for vechiles. i had no idea so i just put items in the car, which we found while looting the NW airfield, it would be nice and lot easier for players if a number capacity is shown when you opeb the Gear for either the tent or vechile.

Solve: It could be quite simple to solve this problem, like when you open your backpack, it shows a number, "#/#" .. and you can see how much space you got left, as you are not filling spots in the tent and vechiles, it should be really important to save the irrittion off suddenly loosing a weapons too it just dissapearing..

Another way you could do it, either an error message comes up, " (Vechile) is currently full "

or the weapon just drops to the floor as loot so you could pick it up again.

What do you think?

Edited by Freshling
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Good idea.

thanks, glad im not the only one who thinks its needed.

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I agree it is a good Idea but Rocket and the team of Devs plan on making the game less easy as in No ammo/Mag capacity HUD anymore. So I don't believe this will be happening

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I agree it is a good Idea but Rocket and the team of Devs plan on making the game less easy as in No ammo/Mag capacity HUD anymore. So I don't believe this will be happening

Put if I had a storage tent, I could easily see when it is past capacity, magazines, not so much. It would make it more realistic to see how much space is left.

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Check surroundings of the tent when "over filling" it.

Always when happened to me object this thrown leftside of the tent (facing the tent "entrance")

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I agree it is a good Idea but Rocket and the team of Devs plan on making the game less easy as in No ammo/Mag capacity HUD anymore. So I don't believe this will be happening

There has been so much information talked about regarding the new standalone, but I do not recall reading that. Do you have a link? I do remember them saying they were going to adjust the HUD, but I thought they were just going to make it optional?

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I agree it is a good Idea but Rocket and the team of Devs plan on making the game less easy as in No ammo/Mag capacity HUD anymore. So I don't believe this will be happening

We don't care if we do not see how much space is left, just don't let the game destroy our stuff, it's pretty dumb.

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good idea, but i'm pretty sure this idea was a given. (at least i hope so)

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