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US1284 Admin Abuse and using illegal weapons (AS50 TWS)

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Confirmation of Admin abusing and using scripts on US1284 - I ran to the "admin" base at Malinovka mountain (~77, ~107) and was immediately banned. The admin was "Cort" I believe. Base had a few vehicles I could see - UAS, Motorcycle, helicopter, and Ural.

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Illigal weapons are permitted whilst admin abuse is not, i will see if i get banned as well when i can get onto the server in my spare time.

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Please shut this server down for the following violation:


11. As a server admin you must not:

You are not permitted to ban players for killing yourself or clan members.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when your killed.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when you lose a vehicle.

You are not permitted to kick or ban for smacktalk.

You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs."

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Funny how all the sudden everyone is "running" to our base after a hacker teleports there. Just happen to stumble on it?

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I was told the location so I ran there. Instaban. Who is the liar? You. I highly doubt the other guy was hacking based on the fact you slapped me with a ban hammer. PS - there is a bike next to your camp about 300 meters down the hill that I rode there. Kiss your server goodbye.

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So your getting camp coords from hackers? Enjoy your ban.

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So your getting camp coords from hackers? Enjoy your ban.

Lol - and there you prove my point. Yes, asking someone the coords for the camp on the servers is a bannable offense /sarcasm off.

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Seems like an excessive ban.

You haven't provided anything apart form him meta gaming your base, which is perfectly fine.

Are you going to ban anyone from now on that wanders near your base? If so, that's very clear admin abuse, please post some evidence of this hacker as-well.

If there could be a little bit less trash talking I'm sure a moderate will enlighten the admin on banning to preserve a 'base'

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Seems like an excessive ban.

You haven't provided anything apart form him meta gaming your base, which is perfectly fine.

Are you going to ban anyone from now on that wanders near your base? If so, that's very clear admin abuse, please post some evidence of this hacker as-well.

If there could be a little bit less trash talking I'm sure a moderate will enlighten the admin on banning to preserve a 'base'

See this post:


The first time he was reported for banning someone that found his camp.

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shutting down the server is a bit ... harsh, only because he banned you? butt hurt much? A proper official warning would be the first course of action, 3 warnings? then he can enjoy renting a new server.

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Negative - it is not harsh, as this is not the first time he has done it. Plus - in the other thread the guy brings up a good point... how did the admin know we were in 'his' camp when he was no where near it? Some sort of hack that shows where everyone is at is the only thing that makes sense. Otherwise I would have seen him with thermal and/or he would have shot me, then banned me so I lose my stuff.

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Confirmation of Admin abusing and using scripts on US1284 - I ran to the "admin" base at Malinovka mountain (~77, ~107) and was immediately banned. The admin was "Cort" I believe. Base had a few vehicles I could see - UAS, Motorcycle, helicopter, and Ural.

Just noticed this, that you could see a motorcycle. Oddly enough thats what we drove to get to their base and considering you are an hour after my ban, they didn't even bother moving it.

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Illigal weapons are permitted whilst admin abuse is not, i will see if i get banned as well when i can get onto the server in my spare time.

http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46844-hackers/ <----- IN this post Rocket is referring to BE bans, not server bans. With warnings it is completely legit to remove someone from a server for using scripted in weapons (common sense)

So your getting camp coords from hackers? Enjoy your ban.

Regardless of who he got the coordinates from, you cannot ban him for showing up at your base,

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Shut the server down, retards shouldn't be allowed to run a server. Even though you pay for it, its a privilege to have it since we all playing alpha + rules are rules, you can't ban for shit like someone giving him the co-ords.

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Lol - and there you prove my point. Yes, asking someone the coords for the camp on the servers is a bannable offense /sarcasm off.

Doesn't this admission satisfy thtis condition:

You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs."


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Doesn't this admission satisfy thtis condition:


Aww, look, a troll. He banned the first two guys, and then me because he knew that the first two guys would post on the forums, letting people know where the camp was in order to verfiy the admin abuse, therefore he is justified in banning everyone that finds the camp. /sarcasm off

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I still would like to know how they/he/her/whatever knew we were there....

They must be running some kind of GPS/Locator script... illegal much?

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Obviously they are using something that allows them to see at least where everyone is and where all tents/vehicles are at... but proving it is another thing. What we can prove is admin abuse, and get the server blacklisted.

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It should be noted that when posting my appeal I did NOT mention a location. The location was first mentioned by araefel. And the logs wouldn't show any mention of location in game because we obviously ( we being harette and I ) did not want to broadcast our location. Not that it mattered since the admin clearly was monitoring people's location using some method that I'm going to guess is not legal.

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Whether script-kiddies found the camp through illegitimate means or not, banning somebody for going to the camp is a bit much. You going to do that for everybody's camp to prevent theft? Suck it up, get in game, guard your camp, get your buddies on, tell them it's time to move camp. You've got a damn Ural after all.

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Whether script-kiddies found the camp through illegitimate means or not, banning somebody for going to the camp is a bit much. You going to do that for everybody's camp to prevent theft? Suck it up, get in game, guard your camp, get your buddies on, tell them it's time to move camp. You've got a damn Ural after all.

Don't forget the uaz the UH1H the motorcycle I took to get there! And it does seem their method is to ban anyone who finds it

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Whether script-kiddies found the camp through illegitimate means or not, banning somebody for going to the camp is a bit much. You going to do that for everybody's camp to prevent theft? Suck it up, get in game, guard your camp, get your buddies on, tell them it's time to move camp. You've got a damn Ural after all.

Thing is - if any of us were 'hacking', he could/would post logs. Do I see any? Nope. That is because they would tell the truth of the matter - that he just banned anyone that found 'his' camp. Learn to play, Cort, or what is the point in having a public server? To hack in gear for yourself, kill noobs, use some sort of GPS hack to give you an edge against those that are not noobs, and kick anyone that touches your stash?

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Probably still googling how to edit the log and trying to find what a teleport hack looks like to put us in to justify his right to ban us. Just waiting for his proof . And to explain how in the log it would show us on the bike driving all the way from stary but no worries we won't gay that in-depth here . *sigh*

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I would rather he do that so that we could ask for a DayZ mod to look at the logs then and prove him to be a liar.

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