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Banned from US1284 after finding Admin's base

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Was playing on US1284 at 10:20EST. Found a base with a UH-1h, a ural, a UAZ. Was going to loot the ural when I was kicked by the admin. Logged back in again, was then banned when trying to loot it again for "cheating". Would love to see the log on this one.

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What?? No directions on how to get to his base??

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Log showed you and your partner teleport to our base, there was also a third person teleporting around electro, also banned.

We will review to see if this was in error.

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Confirmation of Admin abusing and using scripts on US1284 - I ran to the "admin" base at Malinovka mountain (~77, ~107) and was immediately banned.

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Please shut this server down for the following violation:


11. As a server admin you must not:

You are not permitted to ban players for killing yourself or clan members.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when your killed.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when you lose a vehicle.

You are not permitted to kick or ban for smacktalk.

You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs."

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Log showed you and your partner teleport to our base, there was also a third person teleporting around electro, also banned.

We will review to see if this was in error.

Please show this log of me "teleporting", considering I was on a motocycle with a friend on the back of it going up the mountain when I ran into your ural. Oddly enough in the same location as where a previous poster mentioned that were banned at. Coincidence I think not.

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Yeah. I was his partner on the back of the motorcycle.

We didn't teleport... if we did, why the hell would we need/be on the motorcycle?

We booked outta stary because things went nuts.

Find a motorcycle Just East of Novy (where it spawns)

Head NE towards Factory/Berezino.

Cross a forest, and Blam find Camp with UH1H, Ural, UAZ...

Get about oh 10 seconds there, then Kicked/Banned.

My biggest question is how did you know we were at your camp?

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Yeah. I was his partner on the back of the motorcycle.

We didn't teleport... if we did, why the hell would we need/be on the motorcycle?

We booked outta stary because things went nuts.

Find a motorcycle Just East of Novy (where it spawns)

Head NE towards Factory/Berezino.

Cross a forest, and Blam find Camp with UH1H, Ural, UAZ...

Get about oh 10 seconds there, then Kicked/Banned.

My biggest question is how did you know we were at your camp?

Excellent point - I scoped the camp out with thermal/NV and saw no one. If he saw anyone, he probably would have shot them and then banned them to make them lose their stuff. The only thing that makes sense is a hack that allows him to see where everyone is at.

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Excellent point - I scoped the camp out with thermal/NV and saw no one. If he saw anyone, he probably would have shot them and then banned them to make them lose their stuff. The only thing that makes sense is a hack that allows him to see where everyone is at.

Here's what is going to happen. Either they will just keep banning people who find their camp and saying it is always due to hacking. Or people are going to go to that spot mentioned and there wont be anything there because they are using this time to "check for mistakes of banning people" to move their stuff. What makes me chuckle is at first they kicked me for getting to their camp. The ban did not occur until I started looting their vehicles. The first ban notification said "cheating". when I tried logging in after that they changed it to "cheating/hacking". So if we put their base camp on blast i.e. [Their base camp with all of their vehicles was just south of malinovka with 3 vehicles and a UH-1H] and see how many people get banned for looking there. Or they will unban people after they "check the logs for improper bans" aka move all of their stuff to a new location so that people don't steal everything. Either way its still admin abuse and rather disheartening that you find a base full of stuff to loot and the admins have to be poor sports about it and can't handle losing anything and have to ban people when they find it.

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Makes me sick how everyone assumes others are hacking. "O they found our amazingly hidden (ya right) camp the must be hackers!!!11!!1". Saw another thread were people sealed off devils castle and blocked all ways in except one with barbwire, etc and when people got in they assumed they server hopped in and banned them yet there is one way in + toolboxes. Its fucking pathetic.

Edited by HighPiez

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I'd like to get some metrics on how many people are going to check this spot out now. Considering a majority of servers I've been on have had bases in that area. People camp hunt its much easier to do then trying to kill people or farm stary for hours. But if anyone does have a chance to check out their camp I'd be interested to know how much they cleaned out or if people will keep getting banned. I see that harette as well as another have posted the location. I'd like some feed back from the admins of this server with their excuses. Or they can pull their heads out of the sand and unban those who crossed upon their cache of loot since most of us on here know this is a crock and they are just fearful of people finding their goods and taking it. I'm not even going to get started know how they knew so quickly we were there stealing their stuff because you must have had a pretty good view point in the middle of the forest at night time whirl I was behind a tree and between a truck to know I was there . But hey must have been all that teleporting eh ?

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Server has Went offline at 2012-08-23 19:42. so 3:42 EST if I can do -4gmt correctly in my head. Any official notice if this has been taken offline? or is in maintenance mode?

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From a quick glance at Dayz monitor, this server is offline only to be put online when the Admin, Cort, wants to play. He's using it as a private playground.

As this thread is posted to Ban Appeals and as Cort doesn't appear to be cooperating at all, the only option available is to go to Vilayer.

So, I suggest you go to Vilayer, the server host, and either enter their Teamspeak to report the server activities...or fill out a ticket for your complaint.

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Its down because we just got the monthly hosting bill and decided after all the constant work to keep hackers off the server only to have this occur that there are better things to spend our money on.

So you got your wish guys US1284 is offline permanently.

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Its down because we just got the monthly hosting bill and decided after all the constant work to keep hackers off the server only to have this occur that there are better things to spend our money on.

So you got your wish guys US1284 is offline permanently.

We'll see if it stays down. You brought this on yourself for abusing admin powers.

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Its down because we just got the monthly hosting bill and decided after all the constant work to keep hackers off the server only to have this occur that there are better things to spend our money on.

So you got your wish guys US1284 is offline permanently.

ROFL, Remind us what we did again when YOU banned us for finding your camp?

So before you be a little bitch and QQ your way off the Admin list, why not reveal those logs?

To really reveal who was hacking Locations of Tents/Vehicles/People...

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Yep sorry I didn't get done reviewing the logs within the hour before you posted our base coords.

I guess I just wasn't being cooperative, but it's all better now the server is gone, you guys won.

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Yep sorry I didn't get done reviewing the logs within the hour before you posted our base coords.

I guess I just wasn't being cooperative, but it's all better now the server is gone, you guys won.


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Yep sorry I didn't get done reviewing the logs within the hour before you posted our base coords.

I guess I just wasn't being cooperative, but it's all better now the server is gone, you guys won.

Or perhaps he realized that he revealed himself as a hacker by knowing whenever someone arrived at his camp when he was no where near the camp?

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How do you know I wasn't near my own camp?

You would of shot us....

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