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Hi all,

I have a problem and although I'm kicked out again and again if I want to connect to a server.

Can someone help me? Thank you



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Any reason why you are being kicked out? What does the error message say *exactly*?

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The error is

"You can not play / edit this mission; It is dependent on downloadable content that has been Chernarus, dayz_code, dayz_weapons dayz_equip, dayz_."

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Either one of two things has gone wrong. 1. You did not install the mod correctly or not up to date with it. 2 You did not run both games i.e. Arma 2 and Arma OP.

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I started both games, and I also installed the mod correctly, I install the game again and try again :)

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So I have no idea what a version I have, I do not even know where to look so. I've always tried to log on 1.6 and it worked but then, I was also kicked out again. And sorry for my bad english: D

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Its cool you need to update to 1.7.0 that is why you cant play. :) Get it from the main site download all of the files you did last time. If this is to much for you get Six Updater its much easier than doing this it updates your mods for you and installs them correctly.

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What is the Six Updater?

And where I can invite him?

What exactly does he do?



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