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(EU Servers) Looking for 5-10+ People

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Name: Reece

Age: 16

Location: UK

Time Zone: GMT 0

Past experiences in DayZ: I have played for a while, i k now the map pretty well. been part of a clan before which we had multiple vehicles such as ATV's, Bus and 3 bicycles. we established a good tent/camping area. Our weapons were good, such as Bison, M16, AS50 and whatnot.

Typical time of playing DayZ in GMT time zone: 2-3 hours a day maybe

Additional information (Optional): Dont do drugs oh and my steam is mastercheef11.

Edited by cheef_lore

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I haven't seen a friend request yet. I've posted the direct link to my profile a few posts up

Have you got skype? It makes it much easier for me to contact you through it

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I'll turn off stream now and we're starting to play soon, add me on skype "Yumbra"

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Got your friends request on Steam, but you're offline now. Why'd you log out?

I tried to add "Yumbra" on Skype, but the only account showing up was based in Taiwan. Is that you?

Edited by Manet

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Name: Gargamel

Age: 25

Location: sweden

Time Zone: GMT+2

Past experiences in DayZ: about 2 months

Typical time of playing DayZ in GMT time zone: 3-4 hours a day (atleast)

Additional information (Optional): Have all equipment u need atm (GPS,NVG,rangefinder, M4A1 CCO SD). Skype name: Swedwike

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The recruitment is still active for anyone who's interested!

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Age:15(sorry if that's too young for you but i assure you i am mature).


Time Zone:GMT.

Past experiences in DayZ:Playing arma 2 for 1 year and dayz since release.

Typical time of playing DayZ in GMT time zone:2pm-11pm weekends and 5pm-9pm weekdays.

Additional information (Optional):Never killed anyone in dayz apart from a bandit.

Edited by PsiPhiGames

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Age:15(sorry if that's too young for you but i assure you i am mature).


Time Zone:GMT.

Past experiences in DayZ:Playing arma 2 for 1 year and dayz since release.

Typical time of playing DayZ in GMT time zone:2pm-11pm weekends and 5pm-9pm weekdays.

Additional information (Optional):Never killed anyone in dayz apart from a bandit.

Accepted! Come and hope on teamspeak we will start playing in about 2hours IP:

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Name: Marcus

Age: 17

Location: UK, North East

Time Zone: GMT

Past experiences in DayZ: I have been playing DayZ for around 1 month with a group of three friends from real life. I am a very capable all round player, i have had and used almost every weapon and vehicle in the game.

Typical time of playing DayZ in GMT time zone: I am a student so at the moment i am on my summer holidays so i can play all day and night if i want :)

Additional information (Optional): skype: sparkyy15

(i also have teamspeak)

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/marcusstephenson/ ADDME!

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Name: Mark

Age: 24

Location: Denmark

Time Zone: GMT +2

Past experiences in DayZ: about 1,5 month of dayz experience

Typical time of playing DayZ in GMT time zone: 4 pm untill 10 pm usually but it varies

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Name: Mark

Age: 24

Location: Denmark

Time Zone: GMT +2

Past experiences in DayZ: about 1,5 month of dayz experience

Typical time of playing DayZ in GMT time zone: 4 pm untill 10 pm usually but it varies

Accepted. Come on Teamspeak

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Name: Marcus

Age: 17

Location: UK, North East

Time Zone: GMT

Past experiences in DayZ: I have been playing DayZ for around 1 month with a group of three friends from real life. I am a very capable all round player, i have had and used almost every weapon and vehicle in the game.

Typical time of playing DayZ in GMT time zone: I am a student so at the moment i am on my summer holidays so i can play all day and night if i want :)

Additional information (Optional): skype: sparkyy15

(i also have teamspeak)

Steam: http://steamcommunit...rcusstephenson/ ADDME!

Accepted. Come on Teamspeak!

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Name: Andrew (and a friend, Dale)

Age: 18

Location: Scotland

Time Zone: GMT or round about.

Past experiences in DayZ: Played a lot with Dale and managed to get quite kitted out (weapons, plenty of supplies) but we're now tired of going around as a pair. We're good scavengers but have little experience fighting other players as most of the time we avoided confrontation. We want to find a group of people to play with that'll give us extra muscle to pull off the more dangerous goals in Dayz.

Typical time of playing DayZ in GMT time zone: Just now, 12pm onwards is good till late in the night.

Additional information (Optional): As you've probably guess, I'm speaking for my friend as well who's also interested in joining but doesnt understand forums too well. My skype is: andy.mccy1 and steam: Ahndi94. Contact me with these for a quick reply or PM this account for a slightly slower one.

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Name: Luke

Age: 18

Location: Oxford, England

Time Zone: GMT+1

Past experiences in DayZ:I've been playing the game for around a month now and mostly been playing with freinds, while playing with them i was the designated spotter/medic but unfortunatly got killed and lost my damn beans!

Typical time of playing DayZ in GMT time zone: 12:00 - 1:00

Additional information (Optional): i have both skype(lukebpeel) and teamspeak but i'm not that familiar with ts3 steam: sasspooner

Edited by spoonerthemedic

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Name: Markus

Age: 20

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Time Zone: GMT +2

Past experiences in DayZ: I've been playing solo for about 2 months so I know my way around but playing alone is getting kinda boring.

Typical time of playing DayZ in GMT time zone: 18:00+

Additional information (Optional):I have both skype and teamspeak :) Contact me here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197981028046

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