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DE 93 Teleporter?

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Hello everyone,

at the 23.8.2012 on 0.50am a player with the name NACHTII kills me at "our" camp i have managed some shoots into him that kill him.

We was at this time 3 people: SaW (GeR), PuTTing and STRIKER.

After few minutes the same player kills PuTTing too and our camp is near Zelenogorsk and normaly he must spawn at the coast so he port around the world.

with friendly greetings

SaW (GeR)

sorry for my bad english.



Host: Dayz - DE 93 (v1.7.2.5/Beta 96061) [REGULAR][uTC-5] dayzmod.com - Hosted By

Hq1para.org.uk | dayzhosting.com




23.8.2012 on 0.50am


SaW (GeR), PuTTing and STRIKER





am 23.8.2012 ist um 0:50Uhr der Spieler NACHTII in unsere Base teleportiert die fast ausserhalb der Map ist (links von Zelenogorsk). Ich (SaW (GeR) und NACHTII haben uns gegenseitig gekillt.

Ca. 2-4 Minuten später ist er wieder beim Lager und tötet PuTTing einen Mitspieler von mir obwohl er eigentlich an der Küste spawnen müsste.



01:39am all player gets killed the hole time.

Edited by Guest

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Banned the guy, he was Teleporting and using God mode.

Seems to be the most popular hack at the moment, banned 5 people for it in the last few hours.

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this server sucks...everywhere hacker on this server.

11:50am the player Trane hurts me and PuTTIng without hitting us on our camp.

Seems to be a hacker clan on this server.

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this server sucks...everywhere hacker on this server.

11:50am the player Trane hurts me and PuTTIng without hitting us on our camp.

Seems to be a hacker clan on this server.

No player by the name of Trane has been on the server. Also there is hackers on EVERY server, if you want to avoid them play on low player servers or private hive servers.

We will be going private hive soon with Lingor Island map, so we will be able to use hacks and easily scan for hack scripts to keep the server clean as possible from hacks.

Good luck with finding a busy server with no hackers.

Edited by jackoire

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