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tents in

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well me an my buddies recently started gathering loot to trade to people cause that gives us something to do in dayz. so we wer on a 2.5 server when we setup out base and ofcorse hours of work down the drain. so we though oh mabey it was just the server. we joined another 2.5 server and lost more work. then we rolled back to 2.4 and now its doing the same thing as 2.5 was doing. is this something new with 2.4 or did we just get unlucky. should we hold off depeding on tents untill 1.7.3?

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I think you need to place the tent in, only then it will save, if you use the tent you set in 2.5 then it probably won't save on any other version.

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well yea i have now moved to 2.4 and after the server restarted it ate my stuff

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