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Got killed, respawned with an hourglass.

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I got killed while I was in my UAV. Ever since I was killed I keep respawning with a long ass hourglass and it's really annoying.

And it's not even respawning, if I d/c for any reason and come back I get the same thing. Is there anything I can do to counter this? I tried closing my game during the hourglass but it still gave it to me when I came back.

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I recently had this problem. I solved it by essentially leaving it there on the hourglass until my character starved/dehydrated to death. Once I got the death screen I hit respawn and clicked abort and rejoined.

Started a new character now however it's not the greatest fix in the world as it takes what seems like forever to die. I would leave it on overnight or something.

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Same here. I really wish someone could reset my character. I don't have all the time in the world to waste waiting for this hourglass ridden character to shrivel up and die. I'm stuck on like 5000 blood and I am unconsious and pretty much stuck without dayz on my day off. bummer.

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