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Reece (DayZ)

Possible radio idea for the stand alone?

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- Radios that open up a VoIP. Take the game to the next level by feeling more like a survivor that may promote co-op and less murder. Lets say you find a radio, when you turn on the radio, it places you in a channel (kind've like the global channel that was taken out, except only people with radios have access to it). This allows the player to interact with potential survivors to group up with OR the potiential to walk straight into a trap. Maybe even have hundreds of channels, so you can have variety for clan specific channels, and a new play-style for bandits to try to find out where clans are and invade their camps.

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I guess I'm not very good at utilizing a search function? Was just a thought? Your reply may have been misleading?

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It appears that you searched for "radio" only in this thread. If you search the entire forum, there are many more results.

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