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Why so few RPG servers?

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There's tons of talk about KoS and PvP issues, but barely any private servers / admins who do something about it, like special PvP rules or custom versions of DayZ.

Why is that?

I've only seen the server RP 1 and some french server. There's also some official servers tagged as "RPG" or "COOP", but the KoS problems are almost worse there...

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Well if they are connected to the official Hive, then they have to follow specific guide lines or they can be separated from the hive. One of which I believe is do not screw with the game using arbitrary rules that are not enforced by actual mechanics. (Take this with a grain of salt because I'm not 100% exactly what the rules are.)

As for people that have their own hive system...as far as I know, nothing is stopping them.

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