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Jimmy McNulty

What about more weapons, how hard can that be...

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I'm kinda bored of dayZ coz there's nothing new to get anymore. I'm just wondering how hard would it be to add some new guns like PKM, more variations of AK's..there's a lot of weapons in arma right?

But I feel like this whole suggestions thread is completely useless, I've never seen a dev around here, no one...and as far as I know, they prolly never used anything that was suggested around here.

Edited by Jimmy McNulty
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huh, seems you don't pay attention then.

But the reason the "dev" seems to have stop coming around, is probably due to the shitstorm that ensues whenever they write a post

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Personally I wouldn't like to see any more AK variants, or M4/M16's either. They are boring and done to death. I'd like to see some more older WW2 era weapons available. I'd love see M1 Garand's (Ker-CHING!), Lee Enfield No.5 MK1 Jungle Carbine's (perfect for Lingor), Mosin Nagant's, MP44's and perhaps a few more SMG's knocking about the game.

I don't know why but Chernarus's vibe, for me, is more old school weapons than high tech Special Forces modern warfare type guns.

Need more melee style weapon's too before more guns (Petrol driven chainsaw's anyone?).

Edited by Bare Thrylls

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SKS with a semi auto mode, and a melee mode with the bayonete. That might be a bit tricky but hey, that would be a fun gun addition and it would fit various themes.

But before there are new weapons, I am sure other things need work. This isn't Borderlands 2 with the promise of a bazillion guns or anything. But a few new handguns and new ammunition types couldn't hurt!

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