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Question about evidence

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Hey guys, Im the admin of Norway 38 and a couple of friends reported to me that 2 guys were teleporting around the map spawning items of their choosing. I went in the server and they did that with me aswell, so I decided to give them a permaban. Everything went so fast so I didnt thing about frapsing or taking screenshots.

If they choose to appeal this ban, will I have to unban them because of lack of evidence?

I've checked all logs and there is nothing out of the ordinary.


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Check their map position in the logs, that would be proof.

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Yeah, I'll copy in some of the log from it

Last time it logged anything was tuesday, this happened yesterday (wednesday)

21.08.2012 21:53:13: Halvor (x) x - #1 "0492, 2404.36, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];

_object setVariable ['ObjectID', 1668.86, true];

dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];

_uid = _object call dayz_objectUID;

_object setVariable ['ObjectUID', _uid, true];

_object s"

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Yeah, I'll copy in some of the log from it

Last time it logged anything was tuesday, this happened yesterday (wednesday)

21.08.2012 21:53:13: Halvor (x) x - #1 "0492, 2404.36, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];

_object setVariable ['ObjectID', 1668.86, true];

dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];

_uid = _object call dayz_objectUID;

_object setVariable ['ObjectUID', _uid, true];

_object s"

there is some part missing in yor log you should have

_object = [size=4]createVehicle[/size] ['Ural_CDF', [13194.6, 3846.26, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];

this createVehicle is your clue that the guy try to spawn an object into your server in this case an Ural and if your remoteexec.txt is up to date this player sould have been kick automatically form your server ( 5 "Set" in the remoteteexec.txt)

if not check http://code.google.c...se/#git/filters to get the latest scripts aviable

Btw you can add this guy to you ban list ^^

Edited by JaysColdriser
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Ok thanks, I'll do that. It migth be that he got kicked, not sure as it doesnt log that either. Well Well

It seems like something was missing in the remoteexce.txt, added the things from your link. Thanks

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