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Bash Arkin

Bandit Skin Returns?

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Hey, i've been gone for the past couple of weeks and i noticed they readded humility to the debug menu, and a Bandit Mask, i take it works just like before? or any nasty surprises i need to worry about? I.E not being able to wear ghillie suits anymore, i'm susposed to have the whole skin not just the mask, etc?

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It's similar to before. If your humanity drops below 5000 you get the bandit skin. You can wear the ghillie or camo though and the skin is removed. The same is true of the Hero skin.

I think they're still tweaking it for the next update.

Edited by Fraggle

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You still look like a survivor, but you have the head wrap. (Shemagh for bandit.)

For "Hero", your shirt becomes plaid and your pants become blue jeans.

This should explain a little more detail. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Survivors


If i say, wear a Camo suit, do i still keep my bandit headwarp?

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It's just the mask now. You can wear camo/ghillie if you're a bandit. In current patch your backpack will change to the 8-slot bag the moment you change into a bandit (dunno about changing into hero) and if you have a bigger backpack and more than 8 slots are being used in your backpack at the moment your skin changes, those things will disappear.

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Something u should care about is the bug. If you turn bandit you WILL lose you backpack.

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Well i have negative humanity to the point that its going off the debug menu, so..i doudet i'll have to worry about that ever.

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yep bandit skins are back and also new hero skins.

humanity is now a number. for killing survivors/non bandits you lose 5000 humanity points.

get below a certain number and your skin/outfit changes to bandit.

get above a certain number and you get the new hero skin.

you gain humanity points by bandaging/blood bagging other players and killing bandits. and apparently from just moving around the map..

the numbers at which the skins change at... noone seems to be able to agree on (bugged maybe?)

i currently have 2950 humanity points and am still in my survivor skin.

i think once above 5000 you get the hero skin.

being at 0 humanity can cause you to keep switching skins bandit/survivor

and when the skin switch is applied its possible your backpack could be replaced with an default empty one (bugged i think)

and most importantly humanity persists through death.

edit: grammar

Edited by 0siris

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Well still my question persists, Say i'm a bandit, with my mask thing, and i put on the camo suit (not the ghilie) do i still have the turban along with the camo suit?

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Well still my question persists, Say i'm a bandit, with my mask thing, and i put on the camo suit (not the ghilie) do i still have the turban along with the camo suit?

sorry dont know the answer to that one. youll be safe to test tho. with that low humanity score :)

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Something u should care about is the bug. If you turn bandit you WILL lose you backpack.

Turned bandit, backpack disappeared, Huge bonus, as its a cyote backpack :D (the disappearance is only graphical). Haters be hatin.

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