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[Video] The racist Indian bandit - part 2

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Note: If you are easily offended by racial stereotypes then this video should not be watched by you. You have been warned.

This was recorded on a novice skill server as that was the only server I could find that wasn't in the middle of the night and that had more than three players on. So don't judge me.


Edited by Unholy_Kyono
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"Racist/stereoptype Comedy" without offend someone is actually one of the hardest thing to do (in comedy - imo) and even experienced comedians fail hard at it ... so why do you think you are capable of doing stuff like that?


PS: I'm not white :-)

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that wasn't funny

that wasn't racist

you didn't even kill anyone

that was however miserable to watch

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That wasn't racist. I say kill all indians and their fuc6ing call centres.

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@NoRegrets, Beans for Louis CK, that dude cracks me up.

@OP- Whatever your name was (not scrolling up just to be disappointed by you again)Your accent was a fail, Harassing people was a fail, successfully recording a PK on a newb server was a fail, trying to be funny was a fail (obviously you were trying since you did it... and recorded it).

I think you should go back to the halfway house for crack addicted downs syndrome adolescents, I am sure they would find you hilarious... or just throw shit at you.

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