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Soft Kill options

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I'm an avid hero in game, I spend my time bringing supplies to people, escorting newbs off the beach, picking people up in my car and taking places, starting fires and cooking for people etc.. Thats how I've decided to play and despite my hero skin I get shot a lot without any discussion. This is normally because I come up on people and say "hi don't shoot I'm just here to help" instead of shooting on site. I refuse to shoot another player because i don't want to accidentally kill them.

I would like some soft kill options. A taser (the kind that fires like 10ft), pepper spray, pistol whip knockout, sneak up from behind sleeper hold/choke out and worse case scenario being able to shoot someone in the leg without worrying about it killing them (as long as I patch them up)

I would like to disable someone/ have it knock them out - loot what I need to loot drag there body somewhere safe and leave them to recover. I wish this wasn't nessisary but currently the hero has no way to defend himself and still be a hero!

I think a lot of people would opt for soft kill instead of killing if they had the choice. I think we have a lot of bandits just becase they have no other option!

Soft kill weapons could be a fun aspect of zombie combat too! Taze a zombie because its all you had but run because the zombie is going to get up Soon!


Edited by noriveia
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Shoot them in the leg. and they are down for 10-15 secs. when they get up all they think of is bandaging their wounds and fixing their leg.

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Make sure you reference it as non-lethal, not soft kill. This is a good idea, as most weapons can have a non-lethal round fire from them without modification, esp shotguns, m203, etc.

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Actually, a teargas 203 grenade would be wonderful... I could see serious use for these kinds of things, even outside of non-lethal use (support role, etc). Could also add a gasmask that takes a head slot and stops the effect. It could add a similar overlay as the NVGs and muffle sound or make your breathing louder to yourself. Right now head slots end up at one place - NVGs and RFs. That'd add a lot of dynamism to the loadouts. Do I carry my rangefinders or my gasmask?

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Some time ago I was in an encounter where a guy was aiming a AS50 in the direction of my friend. I shot the guy enough to knock him unconscious, then bandaged him and gave him blood. Told him to drop his weapons which he did, then to run away and come back to get them once we are gone. Worked perfectly, nobody was harmed in the end.

Edited by Tigger

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I know you can shoot people int he leg now but I have too many times (once is too many) shot someone in the leg who happen to have low health and killed them. I really don't want that.

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Beanbag rounds for a shotgun or pepper ball paintball guns would be awesome but really besides a police station where would you find those!

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Hand cuffs could be an interesting option too. Wake up disarmed and handcuffed haha

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You believe in Hollywood physiology.

Maybe with the pistol whip but you can choke someone into unconsciousness pretty easily. Though you'd have to be trained to do so, and in this we're all supposedly your average Joe.

If a proper choke hold is applied to someone they'll pass out within 10 seconds, and be dead with 15. Pistol whipping on the other hand would probably just hurt like a bitch, it may or may not knock you out.

Honestly I just think non LTL options would just be used 99% of the time to knock out your target easily, then walk up and shoot them in the head and take their stuff. I don't see people actually using it to drag the person off, or even loot them then leave them be. This community is mostly dicks, so it would just be abused. (Unless secretly we aren't all dicks?)

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knockouts and restraints should be doable by a hero, but disarming could result in bandits doing the same thing instead of killing.

How about this. Looting someone that's unconscious can go towards bad rep, but restraining someone prevents them from being able to use their weapons and you don't lose rep for it. This would give them an opportunity to earn your trust.

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i like the idea of non-lethal weaponry. beanbag rounds, rubber bullets, etc. the smoke grenades are an example, they are useful against player and zombies, but do not permanately harm anyone

Edited by El Barto 227

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I wish this wasn't nessisary but currently the hero has no way to defend himself and still be a hero!

Nobody would be a hero in this world. Because everybody shoots first talk later. So you better find another job. Its a surviving game, not a helping mission.

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Nobody would be a hero in this world. Because everybody shoots first talk later. So you better find another job. Its a surviving game, not a helping mission.

This would would never happen, since one tank could kill thousands of zombies. I do not recall zombies carrying an antitank missile...

It's not like you would need an armored battalion, just a few.

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all you need to resole this is a taser rifle..... job done. could be a feature for Hero's

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haha BELIEVE IN HEROS we exsist! These options would be very interesting mized with the restraining people options i see floating around the forums. Knock someone out and tie there hands with rope forcing them to find someone with a hunting knife to cut them free =) good luck finding help with a bandit skin. As a hero I dont mind letting someone else do the killing for me =) I think people would find it hilarious to not help a bandit and leave him alive running around with his hands tied from zombies! Of course let the bandits use it too to really screw people.

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Just to add to my point that shooting in the leg doesn't current work! Last night buddy got stuck int he ground with a clipping error we decided to trying knocking him out and draggin his body hopefully getting him out of the glitch I shot and patch him all the way down to 1200 blood it never knocked him out and the next pistol shot to the toe killed him =/ I couldn't knock someone out under even the most constrolled circumstance! I got my first and only murder!

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Beanbag rounds for a shotgun or pepper ball paintball guns would be awesome but really besides a police station where would you find those!

Beanbags could be found in residential areas because many people probably bought some non lethal self defense even if there wasn't a zombie outbreak.

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