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New Server ID's held up ?

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I have applied multiple times, my first 2 not meeting specs as I was using the Arma2 OA guide which had windows 7 as a valid OS, lower memory reqs etc. But my third, and most assuredly adequate server, has been pending now for 12 days. I totally understand that people working on this stuff are probably spread WAY thin and everything. I just wanted to make sure I haven't put myself on a shitlist with 2 denials or if there was just a general logjam for all Server ID's due to impending changes etc? Can anyone speak on it?

Only real reason I want to admin my own server is for access to logs for accountability, so that me and my 4 or 5 DayZ playing buddies have somewhere to call home for tents and vehicles etc... And I'm an admin in RL so I promise that server will be very decent and wont tarnish DayZ's good name. :)

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