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Need to team up, need help

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Im very new to this game and im tired of dieing from stupid zombies. Let me know if you want to team up to survive. Thanks.

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im also new to this but doing ok so far just bandits keep killing me no problem with zombies

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gotta learn the basics eh check youtube for Z escape tricks they are no issue players your problem

Dont run about use buildings with escape routes and LOS- line Of Sight works a treat

My fav is a tree or bush gotta

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no one out there want to team up to survive? im currently at work right now but can play this evening. Let me know!

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I'd team up but I work tonight so won't be around.

Teaming up is about the only aspect of this game I've yet to try and it may be worth trying since the hacking is driving me bonkers during solo play.

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add me on skype xptomxhazard maybe play some time

wrong name?

cuz it says it cant find it

Edited by jesse114

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Hey - I'm often on server UK210 and will help you if I see you. I try not to shoot on sight.

Try the DayZ wiki for gathering tips on survival - it's pretty great. Basically, stay away from the two big cities (Cherno & Elecktro) until you know what you're doing. You're likely to run into bandits.

If you're struggling with zombies, the trick is to crawl on the ground when you're near them. Until you have a gun, try to avoid going into towns. There are often barns on the outskirts of towns that can have food, drink and shotguns / Lee Enfields.

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@ Everyone here that wants to team up. Join server US 1021, there are 6 of us, we have 2 camps setup, we can show you one till we decide we can trust you. We're allied with another clan on our server. We're always in the server's teamspeak which the info is listed when you load into the server menu of the game. Ask for Negative Apex, Sev or Prowler.

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22years old new player looking to group up add me on steam if intrested( steam: bring_on_th_pain ) taken for ever to more around lol and looting to keep alive lol

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If you want to team up, sure. My squad is consistent of anywhere from 3-7 daily players. We group up into a small band of resistance to the undead wasteland and stand and fight ! We use Skype and its honestly very casual. Still in the building basics (have vehicles, camp) and looking to expand in 'useful' players who wish to learn, create, and inevitably destroy those who threaten our peace and way of lulz and scavengery.

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Ben i have added you to steam .. currently have 1 other friend playing with me lately and we had one hell of a time yesterday .. survived for god knows how many hows, unfortunately run out of food and water and he died and im soon on the way too with such good gear

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|TRB| !The Relevant Bandidos! |TRB|

We're a rather organized group of people recording our gameplay, and we're having lots of fun. It's all about having fun, yet being prepared for intense situations. When-ever you get accepted in the group, you'll be able to get free gear within our group, aslong as you follow simple orders. We're looking for new well speaking english people. Feel free to contact us! Use any of the contact informations below.

Apply on this website followed by a short format. We're a very tactical clan. Need support with anything? Head on our TS server.


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need help, very low blood and would like to team up. although im all the way up at NW airfield. add me on skype someone- daniel.french90

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