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AS50 TWS Save to hive?

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I cant remember if it was in these forums but am pretty sure.I cant find the link, I heard the as50 tws doesnt save to hive as from or 1.5. Can a dev please confirm this or not,


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It saves to hive. In fact, it repeatedly saves to the hive. I was shocked when I first saw someone in the logs with an AS50-TWS, it literally spams hive saves. Specifically, every weapon or item that isn't available in the DayZ Mod does. I think it has something to do with Rocket tracking people with illegal weapons.

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I have an AS50 TWS but it dont mean i am a hacker. Got it off the hacker now and i am intending to keep it.

And? This has nothing to do with the OPs question.

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And? This has nothing to do with the OPs question.

The question was answered, now it is time for flood. Are you new to the interwebs? J/k :)

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I have an AS50 TWS but it dont mean i am a hacker. Got it off the hacker now and i am intending to keep it.

And just how is an admin to know that? I'd ban you the minute I seen you with a hacked in weapon and so would plenty of other people so be careful what servers you go on.
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And just how is an admin to know that? I'd ban you the minute I seen you with a hacked in weapon and so would plenty of other people so be careful what servers you go on.

And just how is an admin to know that? I'd ban you the minute I seen you with a hacked in weapon and so would plenty of other people so be careful what servers you go on.

Having a hacked weapon is not, in and of itself, a bannable offense. Rocket has stated this on these forums. You must be able to prove the person being banned actually spawned it themselves. Just FYI.

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I have an AS50 TWS but it dont mean i am a hacker. Got it off the hacker now and i am intending to keep it.


Having a hacked weapon is not, in and of itself, a bannable offense. Rocket has stated this on these forums. You must be able to prove the person being banned actually spawned it themselves. Just FYI.


Edited by khalimerot
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It doesn't save to hive when it comes to tents and vehicles.

Or I would really love to keep my .338 Magnum sniper safe...

You got to love hackers that suck.

Yes it does. You're confusing the latest save issues with with some weird idea that illegal weapons don't save. They absolutely do.

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Thanks all, but i think i may have to hold out and wait for a dev to fully confirm this as i can see this turning into a troll match very soon :o whish was not my intention ;)

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Thanks all, but i think i may have to hold out and wait for a dev to fully confirm this as i can see this turning into a troll match very soon :o whish was not my intention ;)


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Engage the nazi chainsaw flamethrower banhammer NAOW !

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Engage the nazi chainsaw flamethrower banhammer NAOW !


Edited by khalimerot
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I have an AS50 TWS but it dont mean i am a hacker. Got it off the hacker now and i am intending to keep it.

It might not make you a hacker, but it makes you a cheater, And cheating is a ban-able offence in my eyes.

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Yo Yo Yo, children! back on topic please!

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Of course it does.

The hive simply receives an array of data fields from the server, including the inventory. It does not do advanced sanity checking on those fields.

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If you ban someone for holding a hacked weapon then you should ban yourself from the internet too. Not every person out of 1.000.000 dayz players are constantly reading the forums to know that there are hacked in weapons. Not everybody knows dayz wiki for the letter to know which weapon is in game and which is not.

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Of course it does.

The hive simply receives an array of data fields from the server, including the inventory. It does not do advanced sanity checking on those fields.

Thank you! However as it may seem simple to you the reason for post was due to miss information posted, so as simple as it seems to you i do not have the understanding of all the scripts the hive allows, so from a clients point of view, it is not so simple, hence the question!

But again thank you for taking the time to answer :)

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If you ban someone for holding a hacked weapon then you should ban yourself from the internet too. Not every person out of 1.000.000 dayz players are constantly reading the forums to know that there are hacked in weapons. Not everybody knows dayz wiki for the letter to know which weapon is in game and which is not.

My server have a scheduled message every 15 minutes saying "Holding a hacked weapon in your hand may result on a server ban. Common weapons: AS50 TWS, G36 and silenced weapons (excluding M9, MP5 and M4A1 CCO). Check the **MY PAGE** forum for the full list".

The "I found this weapon in a hacker, it's not my fault" is a stupid reason. 90% of players known they have a illegal weapons in their hands but they use it because of the "you cant ban me".

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If you ban someone for holding a hacked weapon then you should ban yourself from the internet too. Not every person out of 1.000.000 dayz players are constantly reading the forums to know that there are hacked in weapons. Not everybody knows dayz wiki for the letter to know which weapon is in game and which is not.


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It does indeed save and it is certainly not bannable.

As someone alluded to earlier I believe they are tracking it's usage (and other exploits) in game.

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It does indeed save and it is certainly not bannable.

As someone alluded to earlier I believe they are tracking it's usage (and other exploits) in game.


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I love it when I see people holding one of these when I review my logs. They recieve and instant server ban. If you wanna use this weapon, take it to a server that's run by a tool. :P

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