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Dayz Standalone: Such as Sleeping bags!

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I've been playing Dayz since there was 10 servers, and i love Dayz i love the fact it's hard, but with a standalone release i'm worried it might slip, although i doubt this is the case these are my suggestions:

Ammo becomes rarer: Ammo is to common IMO, people dont need to think about when to shoot or when to sneak, they just shoot. I would like to see all sorts of ammo become harder to find, not just high end ammo but makarov ammo, so im running round with 2 clips and scared to shoot.

Matches run out: Once you got all your survival gear, no need to really go to a town, i want matches to run out, maybe 10 uses? i know thats an unrealistic use number but in game reality, who is gonna light 50 fires? i think we should have it a low number to make people frett.

More advanced loot, Batteries needed: I love NvG's, L85, etc but i hate how easy they are, just run all night, every night without a care for the gear? people server hop to night servers just to use the NvG's? i want different types of batteries for different pieces of gear, the better the gear, the rarer the battery's, but i would also like to see car batteries, and more high end loot to spawn in the standalone.

Knives need sharpening: i think the hunting knife should need to be sharpened to allow you to cut more meat from the animal? but have a set limit of 8 as it is now? maybe you need to pick up a stone or have a certain pice of kit?

Sleeping bags: I think you should need sleeping bags to log off in, you should have to carry it with you and it takes up space, if you log out in the wilderness you should need to curl up in otherwise you will get a cold or hypathermia etc, so people with bases out in the wilderness can't have it so easy, and people who don't have a sleeping bag must log off in a house?

More infections, more cures: As a medic, i find it easy to carry the right gear, simple. 3 morphine, 3 bloodbags, 1 epi pen & maybe one antibiotic. I want to have to gather tons of supplies the and use the correct drug on the right infection!

ACE medic system: if someone has a broken leg, but not passed out, i should be able to carry him, i should have the whole interaction system, maybe build a stretcher to carry them, and basically have a more realistic medical system

Car's are more common, working parts and Petrol are not: I'm sure not everyone in Russia is as bad at driving as this game suggests, i think more cars should be avliable however finding parts should not, i think you should be able to take parts out of a car already there but there is risk that its not in perfect condition, maybe have it that even spawned parts are not perfect?

You should also be able to syphon fuel out of other cars as well and make petrol a lot harder, maybe only so much spawns a day, or week even?

the map bigger, more places to hide: i feel that once you have a heli, hiding it is a problem, the map is to well known and finding a sutble location is hard (we dont place off map like pussy's) however it is descovered to soon due to raiders etc, this is fine as its part of the game but i feel the current endgame should be easier to keep.

sort out server admins: this is not such a suggestion as a slight rant, server admins keep screwing us over & i would like less power given to them as the ones i see actually hunt, and horde our cars and others, if one gets nicked the server restarts and suddenly a squad is there ready to recapture there beloved 13th vehcile.....not only that but my overwatch see's a camper in elektro, shoots him, he Alt F4's and suddenly my overwatch is kicked by an admin, no reason given.

Any more suggestions to make the game hardeR? please suggest!

Edited by SoulShaper2
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so glad to see people don't think my idea's are retarded! let's just hope someone in power notice's them ;)

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Ammo: agreed

Matches: agreed

Batteries: agreed ( would stop excessive thermal skannin in the woods)

- Maybe so that the nvgs use less battery power that the thermal, thermal is power hungry in rl and overpowered in dayz..

- So hungry that you would use it only in extreme situations and when its absolutely nessessary...

Knives: Agreed

Sleeping bags: Sleeping bag or disconnect timer.. I would prefer disconnect timer tough. And no disconnecting in houses...

- With sleeping bag disconnect timer would be less, like 15 seconds(animation) and without it like 30seconds? While these if you get shot or zed agro the timer is canceled. Would stop combat disconnecting and reward those who are willing to carry that sleepybag.

Medics: agreed

Cars/vehicles: Agreed, now it took like 3 or so hours to get all for a chopper... with 2 quys together. And its fun when you can have like 3 main roto assemblies(6losts each) in you backbag and only 2 guns(10 slots each) :lol:

And jetfueled heli will run with gasoline?

And the fuel tanks should runout, certain amount of jerry can fills from one tank and like once in a month they would be "wiped" and would be refilled. Would make fuel scavenging more hard and you would really look for it...

Bigger map: Agreed on part.. I have "heard" that its going to be bigger, something about "cherranus+" and more enterable buildings.

I would be still happy map size that is atm but maybe just add some hiding mechanics like tarb or brances to cover the vehicle.

Tough I would like to see whole new map, cherranus has been zigzaged across few times now.. and make textures better, now tents and vehicles glow in the woods and are so easy to spot..

Admins: Total agreemend here... I would prefer developer provided server that community cant fuck them up with settings and admin abuse.

Edited by Zeppa

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i would not like to add keys tho, that makes it to easy as your vecile is practically safe, the sleeping bag idea is simply to stop your game temperature dropping when not in game, i just feel this world add another depth to the game :/

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another like, this mean my ideas are alright?

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I thought sleeping bags would get peoples attention

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what do you think about match boxes having a random number of matches in them? maybe even non at all.

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+1 to all of this. and

what do you think about match boxes having a random number of matches in them? maybe even non at all.

+1 to this.

Edited by Nihilisst

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I actually love that! makes the game even harder to predict! +1

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