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To the guys on Nz 24

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i killed a guy called danger dad, i had a noob freind who just spawned and danger had alot of good shit, m4a1 cco sd, nv googles and all that type of rare shit, i couldnt carry any of it cos my pack was full from a sniper rifle that i found, my freind couldnt find me so i logged out. 10 mins later danger dad was looting the body with his freind when i logged in, i sprayed with my fal and got them both, i couldnt carry anything so i hide the bodys so they cant loot them again after that i lose my FUCKING FAL, too bad i hid the bodys...

sorry about that but you shouldnt shoot me then walk at me like a reatrd thinking im not gonna kill you

Edited by Shawdey
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  On 8/22/2012 at 10:14 AM, M O N S T E R said:

Good times.


Stop attention seeking


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  On 8/22/2012 at 10:16 AM, Furry_PawstarZ said:

Haha sounds like you got them good :lol:

sure did

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  On 8/22/2012 at 12:09 PM, AussieStig said:

You're like a terrible tripfag and a 'gurl gamerrr xDDDD' all rolled into one.

The uselessness of 99% of your posts enrages me just as much.

I sent you that link for a reason; use it to vent, rather than tainting these threads with your dribble. At least have the decency to accept help when it's given to you, gawd.


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  On 8/22/2012 at 12:16 PM, M O N S T E R said:

I sent you that link for a reason; use it to vent, rather than tainting these threads with your dribble. At least have the decency to accept help when it's given to you, gawd.


Why would I bump another attention seeking thread of yours with my 'dribble'?

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  On 8/22/2012 at 12:28 PM, AussieStig said:

Why would I bump another attention seeking thread of yours with my 'dribble'?

You don't need to bump it, it's a popular thread.


FN FALs are pretty powerful weapons; I've only had the chance to use it once and I really enjoyed it. Too bad it doesn't have any attachments as far as I'm aware. Where did you kill them, btw?


Edited by M O N S T E R

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Yeah, I wish these forums would allow us to ignore users, it's getting annoying

On a side note, this kind of attention driven behaviour is pretty sad

Edited by Elo

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