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US 2190 - Possible Hacker Team

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DayZ - US 2190

Aug 22 2012 @ 0235 CST (-6 GMT/UTC/Whatever)

At approximately 0235 CST (-6 GMT) August 22 2012 I was playing on server 'DayZ - US 2190 (v1.7.2.5/Beta 95417)' I was teleported after exiting the southern corner of the NW Airfield when I experienced a strange jolt from my PoV. I immediately began sprinting, alt-freelooked behind me to see what appeared to be a bandit-skinned player holding some manner of scoped rifle pointed at me. At which point, I aborted out to the lobby. There were two other players on the server. One named Joker, the other name I didn't think to remember in my highly startled state.

A little background. I logged onto the server and it was almost dead anyway - I play late and like to make use of the NVG's I risked my tail for and low pop servers seem less of a magnet to hackers but I digress. Back on topic. I'd been running a route about the the towns south of NW Airfield when around Pogorevka someone whose name escapes me was kicked for scripts.This put me on my guard. Shortly after near Pustoshka I noticed someone named Joker on the server. Okay, cool, whatever. People log into servers, no big deal. He eventually aborted out to the lobby somewhere between there and Vybor and just remained. Until I continued north, where upon entering the southernmost barracks I noticed he'd logged back in and someone else was joining. I continued on, though I was expecting someone to teleport on top of me at any moment. (I've seen videos, naturally paranoid, etc.) Not wanting to be greedy and get burned, I exited the airfield promptly and that's where the hacking went down. I was teleported, apparently, somewhere north of Elektro into a big field far from cover where I saw my would-be murderer just pointing a rifle at me like I wouldn't notice. By the way, thank you to whomever you are for having such slow reflexes that you didn't get me before I aborted. And if your goal was to scare me, f you. Bricks were only halfway shat.

And for those of you that would advocate me trying to kill him, na, I'd rather not risk my gear against him having god mode on or whatever. I may have bailed like a chickenshit but at least I robbed them of their jollies and left them with mildly rustled jimmies.

Also trying to contact the admin there, just to see that the server's made safe from crap like that in case he doesn't read these. Possibly to get a log for actual evidence beyond my testimony since I only just now thought to report this like a moron.

Anyway, thanks for your time and sorry for the long post. I tried to recall every detail as best as possible without giving you a novel.

Edit: Not proof - Hacks documented by others and perpetrated by someone named 'Joker'


Edited by PartVI

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