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EU28 - Info & Discussion

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Hostname: DayZ Zombie RPG - EU28 (v1.7.0) - Hosted by BFE


Max Players: 24(increasing to 30 today or tomorrow)

Difficulty: Regular - 3rd person view and crosshair is on. Nametags will be gone after next restart.

Location: France

What do we offer?

A stable server with a mature and experienced admins.

We are also getting a lot of regular players which makes it a little nicer, in my opinion.

The rules are simple.

No cheating, hacking bug/glitch-abusing allowed!

Only English is allowed in the side channel!

(picture at top is taken from http://g3ar.co.za/)

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Has the server been renamed? Me and my mates play on here quite reguarly but can't seem to find it now.

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A guy named Blackout had svd camo / bison sd / ghillie / nvg etc etc.. I shot him in the head with a winchester from close range while he was busy looking for targets. 10 seconds later the server restarts. Note that this was not a scheduled restart, because they actually have all those times in the message of the day.

If you ban people for disconnecting during fights (rightly so), be a man and don't restart when you die.

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