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Most intense hour of DayZ EVAR!!

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So I was getting ready to log into DayZ for the night, when I get a skype call from my buddy, says our base has been raided, UAZ, URAL, and Off-Road Truck all gone, I tell him I'm gonna step outside for a smoke while my game starts up... Come back in and can hear him yelling through the headphones, I just got killed!! I'm thinking YAY action for me! Logged in and had a 3k meter run to the camp...

I sneak up the northern hill overlooking our camp, and just watch, keep in mind it's a fairly large area, spread across hills and valley's for about 400 meters... Anyway I'm sitting there when my buddy tells me he's coming in from the south, I spot him coming down the hill, and he decided to play bait, runs out into an open section near his body and that of a bandit he killed before the others got him... Naturally he get's popped, Now I know for sure there's someone else near me, I slowly start creepin down the hill, when I suddenly see a bandit run behind a tree 40m in front of me, he passes the tree and stops outside of cover, Boom! Headshot, he goes down...

I immediately turn tail and run back up the hill to watch some more... 10 minutes passes and I see nothing, so I move down, check his body, He's using a DMR, not the guy that killed my buddy, sounded like an MK 48(I had one stored in my tent) So I'm on high alert again, I move to the northwestern side of camp to watch the bandit and my fallen comrade's body... Another 10 minutes passes, When I start seeing a flashlight flickering just down the hill from me.. Again I slowly make my way back east into a position to better see the cluster of tents.. I see a survivor trying to loot my buddy's body, Boom Boom Boom, a single burst takes him down...

Once again I turn tail to run back up the hill and relocate my vantage point, I don't make it back up the hill.. Boom Boom Boom from a tree directly in front of me an MK 48 tears into me, I go down, broken legs, badly bleeding, I Immediately open fire towards the muzzle flashes that continue trying to cut me down, I empty an entire 20 round mag into the unknown assailant, I pause to reload, hear silence, followed by a shaky sigh of relief, I managed to kill him by the skin of my teeth... Under 4k blood.. I'm badly shaken by the encounter, bandage and morphine, eat and drink, relocate once again... another 15 minutes passes, when I begin seeing another flashlight coming from my west, I briefly catch a glimpse of the guy before he disappears into the trees.. 5 minutes later I see the flashlight again this time up the hill to my east, he's being cautious, shines the flashlight directly at me, I back away, wondering if he saw me.. See him again running down the hill, it was the first bandit I killed, trying to loot the bodies... Bloodloss played a factor, my bursts are going high, I switch to semi, pop two more shots for the kill..

Shortly after that all 3 of these bandits logged out... I was glad too, my hands were shaking, my heart was pumping, I needed a smoke...

Body Count:4:2 Bandits/2Murders(jewgle and william when they came back trying to loot bodies)

Total Deaths: 7





Kudo's to William, No, and Mcjewgle mynoodle for not alt-f4'in out... Best DayZ experience to date...

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Oh and I forgot the Creepy part of the night... after the 4th kill, the 3 invaders left the server along with everyone else, my buddy and I were checking out the camp seeing what was taken, when I see a survivor in a female skin running towards the bus, I called it out, my buddy was like dude we're the only people in here... I watched her run up the hill to the bus and disappear behind a tree... I checked the player list myself while she was in sight... we were alone... I shit a brick, cause I know I saw a chick running towards the bus... Creepy ghost chick, I salute you...

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Thats cool , for that sir you have my beans

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