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The chronicals of BuffJesus's last DayZ character

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This is what you call a progression thread. every game on the internet has their variant of it; from CoD to runescape to league of legends. they each have their own type.

If this type of thread does not interest you, feel free to ignore it and continue on with the rest of the forum. I will try to answer any questions you have or any suspisions you might have about the legitimacy of my character.

if this thread type is not allowed, please let me know mods.

With the release of Dark Souls PC just 2 days away i thought that it would be a nice little thing to do before i quit until the stand alone release.

In this topic i will be starting a new character 100% from scratch, and try to get him as geared as i possibly can 100% legit before i quit. This means no looting dead players, no looting tents, no looting vehicles that other players have fixed, no looting random loot piles other people have left. also, i will not glitch in any way purposely.

Now, starting off; at 6:30pm eastern 8/21/2012

Server: US 276 (was randomly chosen from list because of its current 16 people online. medium amount of people)

Spawn: west side of kemenka (like a 3 minute run west of it :( )




Edited by Buffjesus

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Are the crying kids the main reason you're leaving?

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Did you even read his post? He is leaving to play Dark Souls 2 until the DayZ Standalone is released.

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  On 8/22/2012 at 5:43 AM, Auzzii said:

Are the crying kids the main reason you're leaving?

as i said, dark souls PC is out in 2 days. i have loved dark souls since the moment it was released on consoles and have been looking forward to this day for a very long time :D .

First deer stand north of kamenkadcsu4l.jpg





(you can see my old magnum at the top right of the church (top middle of screen))


Edited by Buffjesus

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What servers are you playing on? Where do I find them? And can I have their babies?

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  On 8/22/2012 at 6:31 AM, BazBake said:

What servers are you playing on? Where do I find them? And can I have their babies?

US 276

made my way all the way up to the old hatchback spawn southwest of lopatino and was happily surprised to find the car still there :D

after doing some tire searching around vybor/lopatino i could hear shots being fired at the NWAF, so i decided to leave the car because the amount of work for 1 person with no glitching is too much.

so i went back down to the zelenogorsk power station/barn white truck spawn and decided to fix that up since it only needs 1 tire to get moving.

ofc the zeleno power station industrial loot area had 4 tires at it... so i grabbed 2, fixed up the truck, and began driving toward the factory near polana

and ofc as a bonus the white truck spawn usually has a CZ550 in its gear by default :D

on the way to the factory i decided to stop by vishnoye to check on the car spawn to see if it was there.


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So with an offroad capable vehicle completely fixed up it is now time to do crashed helicopter searching (with 20+ people on the server and shots being heard at the NWAF, i cannot go there atm)

First crash site: south west of stary sobor in a field. 1 pile of medical loot + m14 AIM

even though there were no DMR mags at the crash site, i believe they are common enough to warrant me switching out my shotgun for the m14.


Then as i continued to search for more crash sites............


Yes, even the Ural is still available on this server.

Having no luck finding a second crash site (i am guessing theyre in or very close to the NWAF) i decided to hide my truck and call it for Day 1.

total time invested into character: 5 1/2 hours

total vehicles found: 6

total crash sites found: 1

total rare items found: 2 (ghillie, mtn dew)

(humanity got put back to -300k when i put on ghillie btw)


Edited by Buffjesus

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You found the most cursed item in the entire game.....MOUNTAIN DEW

This won't end well and you know it

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  On 8/22/2012 at 8:11 AM, Sadisto said:

You found the most cursed item in the entire game.....MOUNTAIN DEW

This won't end well and you know it

i found one on lingor island tonight also

and then my friend fell through the floor of a building and died :|

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Begin Day 2: 4:15pm eastern 8/22/2012

truck is still there as i log in :thumbsup:


begin the day 2 search for crash sites hoping to find some good loot on the new spawn rotation... only to find the same crash site south west of stary that i looted last night :( .

so i begin driving around all the rare crash site locations only to find this which ive never seen before. I thought they always had to be on flat ground or very close to flat.


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Holy cow, nice luck on finding so many vehicles. I guess it's just luck of the draw with servers. Good to see someone making a log of there legit last play through. I'll also be getting dark souls just dunno how long my patience will stay playing it. GL on your final run in game until standalone.

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  On 8/23/2012 at 12:15 AM, Gambles said:

Holy cow, nice luck on finding so many vehicles. I guess it's just luck of the draw with servers. Good to see someone making a log of there legit last play through. I'll also be getting dark souls just dunno how long my patience will stay playing it. GL on your final run in game until standalone.

start searching around the NEAF for crash sites; but having no luck. so i decide to go check if the PBX is there.

and of course


Knowing that this server doesn't reset and that it is a dead end for aquiring loot i begin my trip down to myshkino so when i hop ill be able to fix up the truck there and begin gearing up on a decent server that atleast resets sometime.


Before i leave i decide to check the deer stand behind the barn... only to hear a motorbike driving in the woods.

i run and get back into my truck, to see him drive up to the barn. so we begin just driving around the field running over the zombies... and then he runs into my truck damaging his tires to where he can barely drive.

my friends tell me to pick him up (my #1 rule in this game is to never trust any person you come across that has anything in his hands). so i say luls okay and let him get in.

i drive off down the road to despawn the zombies so we could either fix up the white truck, or he could get back on the motorbike (the glitch where vehicles fully fix themselves if you get off would have repaired the tire).

i drop him off at the barn, start fixing up the truck. i go back inside my truck; he walks up to the window starts shooting it... blows up the truck killing both of us.

total play time: 7 hours

total vehicles found: 9

total crash sites found: 2

total rare items found: 2 (ghillie, mtn dew)

i completely forgot to take a screenshot of the you are dead screen too :(

i guess ill make 1 more character since this guy was cut short by breaking the one and only rule i have for myself.

Edited by Buffjesus

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  On 8/23/2012 at 12:31 AM, Buffjesus said:

i guess ill make 1 more character since this guy was cut short by breaking the one and only rule i have for myself.

That's what they all say :D But for realz tho, I am really enjoying this thread. Good luck on your "lastcharacterforrealthistime"

(P.S. Let us know how Dark Souls is for the PC. I played it on my PS3, but have since sold that console. If it's any good on PC, I'd like to pick it up)

Happy Hunting,


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  On 8/23/2012 at 4:16 AM, Doctor_sloth said:

That's what they all say :D But for realz tho, I am really enjoying this thread. Good luck on your "lastcharacterforrealthistime"

(P.S. Let us know how Dark Souls is for the PC. I played it on my PS3, but have since sold that console. If it's any good on PC, I'd like to pick it up)

Happy Hunting,


i am playing a lingor island character with my friends now

some scumbag just killed me while i was lookign at my map though :(

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You've had a lot of luck..

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  On 8/23/2012 at 4:30 AM, Auzzii said:

You've had a lot of luck..

dont play on 2 month old server

find vehicles, rare items, other vauable things

tis magical luckthough

i have screens from the second character i made.

4 vehicles + 1 crash site found so far, but the server went down and hasnt come back up yet :(

edit2: not to mention this is the 4th time ive done this, and each time i have had multiple vehicles + found multiple crash sites.

Edited by Buffjesus

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Crazy amount of vehicles ! I had the opposite last night... found 6 heli wrecks with a ton of guns ..and only 1 bicycle. The Elektro bus was still at its original spawn point but i was too tired too worry about fixing it.

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aite time to post up all these last screens and be done with it for good

spawn: solnichniy

server pop at the time: 9 (ive never seen this server before either)

gather up the supplies to fix a vehicle and begin checking spawn points. V3S civillian there? Nope. Blue van? Yup


and then all the adventures (dont know why this picture is so fucked up)


so i start running the fields west to try and find some crash sites. upon reaching lopatino i see this in the field next to it


being close to the airfield with a bike and low pop server i decide to go do a barracks run



i forgot to take screenshots of the end of the coop char, but its still vehicles every 10 mins + crash sites

Edited by Buffjesus

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Nice. Im doing the exact same thing now. I don't come across vehicles like you do though. The server I am on is a clan server so I'm guessing they are all hoarded somewhere. Not that I mind, I prefer moving on foot.

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spawn point: chernogorsk




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  On 8/27/2012 at 12:40 AM, gmaxwell1 said:

Love it! Bunch of lucky finds.

if these people would just stop playing on2 month old servers they would find vehicles + GG loot

but hey, if they want to leave it all there for me to get im good w/ that

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Lol, my clan just started up our own server. I think some other clan/group of friends decided they liked it and made a camp of their own. We found a bunch of vehicles in the beginning, but I think they're all being hoarded now. :(

Me and my friend ran across four of them in a truck while driving our GAZ. Needless to say, we blew up the truck.

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  On 8/27/2012 at 12:46 AM, Buffjesus said:

if these people would just stop playing on2 month old servers they would find vehicles + GG loot

but hey, if they want to leave it all there for me to get im good w/ that

how can you tell the age of the server?

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