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Health Regeneration & Eating (v2)

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i like the idea of natural blood regen. if your hunger and thirst are green it should be fast, if you are thirsty/hungry it should get slower.

i still believe you should be able to regain at least half your blood in 1 hour of ingame time. i know that's pretty fast but if you make in painfully slow then it should continue even while you're offline.

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Would you need both hunger and thirst increasing faster As Well as a lowered regen at orange/red? They're sort of two approaches with the same goal.

Furthermore, just thinking about speed of regen. I kinda envisioned 1 every second. So 3600 an hour and 3.3 hours to fully heal. It looks like it might be a little fast but ultimately the idea is to still make it worth playing, so if it takes too long to regen your just going to have some very bored campers.

In general at least this idea seems to have a largely positive response, anyone have good arguments against?

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Thanks for taking the time to repost this. It's a really great notion and I'd love to see it in the future

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The average lifespan is heavily affected by people respawning after a few seconds

No it is not. The average lifespan doesn't take those people who respawn quickly into account.

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(06-10-2012 01:44 PM)CoveringFire Wrote: In the original thread i posted some figures which i'll repost below, which some agree'd with but others disagreed, opting for a far slower regeneration. The reason i chose the figures i did was because when all is said and done it is a game. Not everybody is going to put up with 1 blood per minute or even 10 and i believe they shouldnt have to play 24 hours a day for a week just to regen to 100%.

I think your statement about it being a game is the biggest argument against the blood over time too. The reason there's bloodpacks / meat is for the FAST healing. For those people you are talking about that don't have hours upon hours to play. What about the guys that play for an hour after work?

Picture this. Poor chap gets home from work, logs in. 1st house he goes into there's a zombie with a Tyson arm on it. BLAM! knocked out, buts its all good. he gets back up finishes off the zombie @4k blood after being gnawed on. He's got broken bones, huge blood loss shaking. Not a nice day at the office. With the current system, a few nom-noms of meat, or transfusion from a friendly onlooker and he can continue playing. for the 56 minutes his wife is letting him.

With your system, he's screwed. He may as well re-spawn to carry on playing. The alternative is simply eating said meat and hiding in a bush for most of his play time, until he can see straight.

Don't get me wrong, i love the concept - it's brilliant. but ITS A GAME. We need to give and take on reality in order to make it playable for all. In the original post the argument about eating food to heal up in a fire fight then coming back for more damage. The PVP in this game is brutal. It's very rare you'll be able to duck away for a snack. So that, for me, is kinda invalid.

If you could couple a slower regen (perhaps persistent when logged off) with the current insta-health system (meats/bloodpacks) and remove the blood increase from eating anything but cooked meat. (the other stuff just curbs the hunger and promotes a slightly increased regen) I think we're on to a winner. But too much realism would make it unplayable for people with limited time, to much regen would turn it into CoD.

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i think maybe a trickle hp would be o.k... killing animals and eating the cooked meat gives 800 blood! or theirs a blood pack for full hp... how about a cap? e.g if your under 4500 blood you get regen but not over, this should be enough to stop you passing out! or how about adding a heal over time for 1 hour after drinking? lets say 1k blood [so it can't stack only be refreshed].

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Its not that its too hard as is, its just no realistic in any way, our body heals over time, just as you said, and it would be nice to have a blood regen system that actually made some sense in the real world. I liked the idea of being able to rest in good health and have it regen.

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I too like the idea of the regen, but it has to be coupled along side the "insta-heals" simply for the reasons i mentioned previously. If all you have is a regen game, it's forcing people to stop playing or eating up their limited play time.

Is eating meat and getting 900 blood unrealistic? yes, course. But so is the proposed regen rates that are sped up for the sake of "its a game". We need to find a middle ground, or leave it alone. In its current form, its unrealistic, but i'm sure i'll not lose sleep over it.

It's a bloody zombie apocalypse, there's no realism in it. Cause lets be honest, everyone knows zombies are friendly, and just like a good ol' knees up down at the local pub.

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bump, I'd love to see this. Huddling in a building while you heal up would be like all those films we know and love.

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1 full day in game, to regenerate all your blood, or 8.333 blood per minute...its enough to warrant not committing suicide, but not enough to make the game much easier. Also if people wanna idle at those rates let them, it makes them easier targets if they're spotted by bandits or people who need supplies

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I would agree to this if you drastically cut your ammounts of regeneration down. You don't fall down to near lethal blood levels then in 3 hours run around fine.

There is a reason red cross makes you wait so long to give blood. And thats a relativly small amount.

If you want painfully slow regeneration to health' date=' go get yourself shot for real. If you want to cut the number of people playing the game, make health regenerate painfully slowly.

Before the thread was lost, people were suggesting 1hp per minute. With the amount of playtime a lot of users have, it would take weeks to regain health. There is a limit to the amount of 'realism' you can add to the game before it stats scaring people off. And "they should man up" isnt a good answer to that.


Good, if something like that scares them off. They won't be missed.

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Also, why the hell does the character need to eat like 15 steaks in a course of 4 hours, i mean cmon

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Amazing medical system my ass. AMAZING idea, one of the bests i've seen yet. Also you should be able to crouch on a broken leg on a horrible limp, just saying this because so many glitches criple you.

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I support this, it is not so realistic being forced to run around looking for cans of food to get your blood level up when you should really be resting.

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