Arseassin 10 Posted August 22, 2012 Speak for yourself...when I started playing in may the Mexican stand offs we had on the beaches with multiple players was hysterical.People got jacked for their beans and were thrown right into the pvp fire when they first logged in. There really is nothing like trial by fire, and it is awesome to have seen so many adapt so quickly. Don't kid yourselves, there was were a good amount of scripters in may, but you right in the sense of more players more problems. But the good ole dayz was just as great in its own way as it is now; it's simply a matter of perspective.I agree completely. It was quite a blast to spawn in Prigo, only to be greeted by dozens of Makarov bullets raining in all directions around you, resulting in what often times turned into an old school western style shootout where you could literally yell at each other from behind cover, knowing that neither of you were a threat to each other outside of 20 feet.God those days were fun, back when a Winchester was the great equalizer. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sakeoe (DayZ) 115 Posted August 22, 2012 (edited) It's funny because the solution is so simple I don't understand why they haven't done it yet.1: do a hive whipe, make everyone restart.2: remove tents from the game. Tents (and to some extend vehicle slots but atleast vehicles are "rare") are the one thing I don't understand what they are doing in this game. Tents in itself, even when duping is fixed, breaks the very core of the game. Tents are the reason everyone is a bandit nowadays. Tent's prevent that gear gets lost, as all loot even when not duped gets stacked into tents, so there is no "loot sink" if you know what I mean. Weapons don't get discarded, they simply go from player to player or are put into a tent which means that over time weapons become less rare. Also death loses it's meaning with tents in the game, unless you care about your debug monitor stats. You are death? np just run to your tent filled with gear and take a nice kit from there (even when not duped).It's ridiculous, ofcourse if there is no punishment for death people are going to be dicks. It's just another game then in which you kill people and when you die you get your gear back anyway. Now maby if tents where some extremely rare item it wouldn't be such a problem but that isn't the case either.cliffs:Removing tents fixes almost every player issue apart from hackers. Edited August 22, 2012 by Sakeoe 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SEM (DayZ) 5 Posted August 22, 2012 (edited) It's funny because the solution is so simple I don't understand why they haven't done it yet.1: do a hive whipe, make everyone restart.2: remove tents from the game. Tents (and to some extend vehicle slots but atleast vehicles are "rare") are the one thing I don't understand what they are doing in this game. Tents in itself, even when duping is fixed, breaks the very core of the game. Tents are the reason everyone is a bandit nowadays. Tent's prevent that gear gets lost, as all loot even when not duped gets stacked into tents, so there is no "loot sink" if you know what I mean. Weapons don't get discarded, they simply go from player to player or are put into a tent which means that over time weapons become less rare. Also death loses it's meaning with tents in the game, unless you care about your debug monitor stats. You are death? np just run to your tent filled with gear and take a nice kit from there (even when not duped).It's ridiculous, ofcourse if there is no punishment for death people are going to be dicks. It's just another game then in which you kill people and when you die you get your gear back anyway. Now maby if tents where some extremely rare item it wouldn't be such a problem but that isn't the case either.cliffs:Removing tents fixes almost every player issue apart from hackers.Totally agree +1. This is the best solution for now until tents are fixed (so you won't be able to dupe items in there). Edited August 22, 2012 by SEM Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sakeoe (DayZ) 115 Posted August 22, 2012 (edited) Totally agree +1. This is the best solution for now until tents are fixed (so you won't be able to dupe items in there).I don't think you understood my post, I said that even when duping if fixed tents would still be a major problem. It's the fact that tents prevent loot from being discarded.In a perfect world without duping and hacking people would loot the airfield etc. before they go they put everything but medical supplies, ammo and their weapon in their tents. THen they loot the airfield, find a weapon they don't need right now. In a game without tents that weapon would be left there. However with tents they take the weapon with them even though they don't need it right now and put it in the tent. Now a new weapon will spawn there while the other weapon is still in circulation. This goes on for a while and the tent gets stacked with weapons. Then the player dies, he simply goes to his tent and gets one of the weapons and gear he put in there which without tents maby wouldn't even have spawned to begin with. Edited August 22, 2012 by Sakeoe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SEM (DayZ) 5 Posted August 22, 2012 (edited) @SakeoeYes but collecting gear in tent is long, hard and very risky work and even if you collect spare gear your camp can be looted or just destroyed. Right now tends will just respawn with all gear after destroyed and even if they will fix it you can set multiple tenst on mutltiple servers with the same gear. Without duping, tents will not be a problem :). But for now i'm all for removing tents. Edited August 22, 2012 by SEM Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sakeoe (DayZ) 115 Posted August 22, 2012 @SakeoeYes but collecting gear in tent is long, hard and very risky work and even if you collect spare gear your camp can be looted or just destroyed. Right now tends will just respawn with all gear after destroyed and even if they will fix it you can set multiple tenst on mutltiple servers with the same gear. Without duping, tents will not be a problem :). But for now i'm all for removing tents.By all means collecting gear in tents is not a long, hard nor risky work.Meeting other players at stary sobor or the NW airfield is extremely rare and the chances of you dying are even lower, especially if you play in a group. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SEM (DayZ) 5 Posted August 22, 2012 @SakeoeRight now yes but as soon as you won't be able to go just west ro north wander for 10min and best gear in game those places will be more risky. The only problem is low pop servers but tbh you can just jump around servers and collect gear. And tents are now so common because you can dupe them as well and you can't destroy them for good. Waypoints on servers create additional problem because fresh character can find his secret tent very fast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted August 22, 2012 Tents are for girls..real men sleep in the open with the bugs and wildlife, in the nude. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheDesigner 1197 Posted August 22, 2012 Of course DayZ has changed, what a silly statement. No game has ever, nor will ever, "stay the same".Never said games aren't supposed to change, what a silly assumption. Just like how COD4, in the beginning, was a regular FPS with no quick scoping, but in about 3 months it went to shit with the MLG. But, the game shouldn't change for the worse, glitches and hacks shouldn't be a part of the game, which right now, they are. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unibek 2 Posted August 22, 2012 DAMNIT I JUST FOUND MY M249!!!! But I'm in favor of the db wipe... It has gotten pretty rediculous.... BUT even if there was a db wipe it wouldn't take but a few days to start finding weapons up the yang. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fosty99 160 Posted August 22, 2012 (edited) Awww shieet son Edited August 22, 2012 by *Regulator* Fosty99 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PoisonedAl 128 Posted August 22, 2012 (edited) Another thing, people like this guy really annoy me. It's like listening to a recording."something wrong with the mod? Wait for the standalone"Well no, I won't wait for the standalone, DayZ is fine with me and I don't need the standalone.Standard DayZ Forum post:OP usually with a low post count and no avatar whines about a problem everyone knows about and are already hundreds of topics to post in if the OP wasn't so lazy to look for them.The nicer people tell OP to wait for the standalone.Everyone else tells OP to fuck off.Do you really expect a different repose for posting the same tired topics?PS: Fuck off! Edited August 22, 2012 by PoisonedAl 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gbrabsf 0 Posted August 22, 2012 So you guys really think that we never had hackers? It was even easier back then, where battleye had no idea someone would try to hack the game.Get it: there will ALWAYS be something to complain about. Who the fuck cares if someone has an AS50? Or an M107? Or fucking 17 NV googles? Peaked night servers have about 15 players. There was and will always be someone sniping at cherno/elektro. Enough complaining already... the only thing that should really bother anyone are the hackers that kill everyone on the server. Even though I still find it quite funny... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gbrabsf 0 Posted August 22, 2012 So you guys really think that we never had hackers? It was even easier back then, where battleye had no idea someone would try to hack the game.Get it: there will ALWAYS be something to complain about. Who the fuck cares if someone has an AS50? Or an M107? Or fucking 17 NV googles? Peaked night servers have about 15 players. There was and will always be someone sniping at cherno/elektro. Enough complaining already... the only thing that should really bother anyone are the hackers that kill everyone on the server. Even though I still find it quite funny... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 205 Posted August 22, 2012 Be careful guys.. This guy is a real internet badass. I bet hes 6'7 and his triceps have triceps.... Probably rides a Harley, blaring Metallica too.The moral of this guys argument is: Dont you DARE say anything about the problems in DayZ - If they start wiping equip, he might actually have to learn how to get to the NW airfield using only a compass :oJust like the good ole dayzYes, because an opinion on a topic means im tall, have muscles and a Harley. What are you 12 years old? Sling your hook you cretin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheDesigner 1197 Posted August 22, 2012 (edited) Standard DayZ Forum post:OP usually with a low post count and no avatar whines about a problem everyone knows about and are already hundreds of topics to post in if the OP wasn't so lazy to look for them.The nicer people tell OP to wait for the standalone.Everyone else tells OP to fuck off.Do you really expect a different repose for posting the same tired topics?PS: Fuck off!*sigh*Will you please read the god damn story before posting? It's not even about a database wipe, it's just a story of DayZ in it's best state and how unusual things were back then that are now common in DayZ today.PS I've been a member for 3 months longer than you and have more than double the posts you have. So, you can fuck off now.This is not your usual QQ story about how a hacker killed me and a DB wipe is needed immediately, it's a story. Most people who have commented do not tell me to fuck off and do far the only people who have, have not even read the OP and are just looking to troll. Like you. Edited August 22, 2012 by TheDesigner Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheDraken 19 Posted August 22, 2012 Another thing, people like this guy really annoy me. It's like listening to a recording."something wrong with the mod? Wait for the standalone"Well no, I won't wait for the standalone, DayZ is fine with me and I don't need the standalone.then don't QQ on the forums about "good old dayz". just leave. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheDraken 19 Posted August 22, 2012 *sigh*Will you please read the god damn story before posting? It's not even about a database wipe, it's just a story of DayZ in it's best state and how unusual things were back then that are now common in DayZ today.PS I've been a member for 3 months longer than you and have more than double the posts you have. So, you can fuck off now.This is not your usual QQ story about how a hacker killed me and a DB wipe is needed immediately, it's a story. Most people who have commented do not tell me to fuck off and do far the only people who have, have not even read the OP and are just looking to troll. Like you.pretty shit story. 1/10 would not read again.roll back your dayz version to 1.6 and go find a server in zimbabwe to go wank cows in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
break 88 Posted August 22, 2012 (edited) To the OP you sir have my beans.Me and a couple guys have played from very early May time and it was fucking brilliant back then.Although I love 50cals and dont think they should be removed, the sheer number of them now is fucking crazy. Plus duping/hacking has made this game a fucking joke recently. I die and know within 15 minutes I can pretty much get everything back, no problems. (I dont dupe). I just go into cherno and kill some sniper.ATM i have everything you can get, and I've been alive 2 days?! I remember having a character which survived 2 freaking weeks and I died with a M4 cco. (That was the most "military" grade weapon I had).I'm all for a server wipe and starting from the coast, but until hacking/duping is solved it wont make a difference.To the above poster & troll. Shut up you toilet. Edited August 22, 2012 by Break Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheDesigner 1197 Posted August 22, 2012 pretty shit story. 1/10 would not read again.roll back your dayz version to 1.6 and go find a server in zimbabwe to go wank cows in.*more sighs*I'm not asking you to rate my story, it's more of a "this is how DayZ changed" than "this is my fan fiction". But hey, 1/10 is good. I like this version too, the hero skin was a good edition, so I think I'll stay.then don't QQ on the forums about "good old dayz". just leave."Good 'Ole DayZ" atleast quote me right. I'm not QQ'ing, it's more nostalgia than crying. But, thanks for the feedback. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites