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Looking for a good team. Details below..

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Hey all. I know as of many of you are looking for a group to team up with. If you wish to join me I don't really care for age to much but I mean you must be mature and a good English speaker and I would like British people to team up with me so we can be on the same time zone. I would like it if you weren't cheaters like ALT+F4. Fair enough needing to use it for a proper reason apart from your going to die.

So you must have these skills and traits

- Sense of humour

- Team worker

- Good at DayZ

- Experienced

- Mature

- Know what your doing

- Not to be a total noob and feel the need to ask one million questions (fair enough you just don't know the odd thing but come on)

- If anything happens "shit hits the fan" know how to deal with it yourself and with the group

- common sense

I hope you are interested in joining. I am not sure how big I want the group. Not sure if I want just a partner or a team of maybe 5 at the very most or a small team or 3 maybe 4 depends.

Please leave a comment or a PM if your interested. Be nice to see details about yourself. I will do one for me (doesn't have to be written in same format as how I write it just how I write I guess)

"Hey my name is Eddy Bravo I been playing DayZ for a few months and find I am rather experienced with the game and mature and a good team worker," Just an example althought it is late and not in the mood for a paragraph and can't think of what to write :D so please leave a comment !! said leave a comment to many times xD

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Been playing since april. Very expecienced. add me on steam: loken625

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