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A thought to reduce the shoot on sight only problem

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I am just going ot ignore you now.

Its not sensless killing they have no clue if you are armed. Not only that but they do not want you progessing. If they kill you then you are no longer a threat for a while. Thus stopping a player who could'ev picked up a assalt rifle and killed them.

Also. If they sniped you, then you are dead before you saw them. So you have no clue what they did after you died. Plus when I snipe somone i wait a little bit to make sure they have no buddies. Then i grab the loot.

Conversation is over. Stop trying to make bandits noble people who are just trying to survive with extreame measures. Because they are not.

You've obviously been ignoring most of what I've written anyway. So w/e.

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Everyone keeps going on about mindless killing, yet someone is doing the killing. This game is brilliant as it exposes interesting psychological behaviour in humans. I.e, when our rule of law breaks down, people become violent, and your trust into a stranger dissapears. When facing a stranger you are more likely to pull the trigger right away, to prevent the stranger from doing it to you. This is the wild west syndrome and I think this is exactly what Rocket wanted to model. So why take it away?

If you want to play with others get friends together, build up strong group, and then help noobs on the coast. I bet you their only intent would be to kill you with an axe and take your chopper though... Just like in real life. :)

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Everyone keeps going on about mindless killing, yet someone is doing the killing. This game is brilliant as it exposes interesting psychological behaviour in humans. I.e, when our rule of law breaks down, people become violent, and your trust into a stranger dissapears. When facing a stranger you are more likely to pull the trigger right away, to prevent the stranger from doing it to you. This is the wild west syndrome and I think this is exactly what Rocket wanted to model. So why take it away?

If you want to play with others get friends together, build up strong group, and then help noobs on the coast. I bet you their only intent would be to kill you with an axe and take your chopper though... Just like in real life. :)

Well said good sir. It's not a problum. I bet most of the people here KOS but it happend to them recently so here they are. Raging.

Edited by harley001

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Everyone keeps going on about mindless killing, yet someone is doing the killing. This game is brilliant as it exposes interesting psychological behaviour in humans. I.e, when our rule of law breaks down, people become violent, and your trust into a stranger dissapears. When facing a stranger you are more likely to pull the trigger right away, to prevent the stranger from doing it to you. This is the wild west syndrome and I think this is exactly what Rocket wanted to model. So why take it away?

If you want to play with others get friends together, build up strong group, and then help noobs on the coast. I bet you their only intent would be to kill you with an axe and take your chopper though... Just like in real life. :)

False. This game is played by 18-24 year old males who enjoy playing violent video games and shoot things for kicks. It's not a social experiement because of a) consequence free, internet anonymity changes behavior and B) extreme sample bias

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There really is no in-game fix to banditry/KOS/Sniping. Even if you kill the bandit/sniper/douchebag, he will just re-spawn, grab another rifle, and resume.

The only true fix to this would be to make it a one-life game. You buy the game, you play the game. When you die, you're dead. Game over. You just wasted 30-40 bucks. Hope you enjoyed your 15 minutes of fame, but you never get to play again. Only then would your in-game life begin to resemble the true cost of PvP IRL. However, then nobody would buy the game. Therefore, you will always have to deal with this. Trust me, the standalone won't fix these issues. It is due to the minimal-consequence design of video games. So raging about it won't fix the problem.

I don't know what will fix the problem besides a game so massive and in-depth that we can have 200-300 people on a server 24-7 working in shifts to act as law enforcement, and a system to system-intensive that it would be unplayable with the current generation of computer. Even then, the "police" will spend minimal time eating donuts, and just end up in non-stop PvP/Patrols to prevent the one sniper who thinks he can beat the system.

Until that happens, just enjoy the game, and cry a few tears after dayz of looting ends with a single loud bang somewhere between stary and Pusta in the middle of the forest. BTW, to whoever that was: "Great shot douchebag, I hate you now." :-D

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the single biggest problem with the PVP in this game is that the community as a whole never takes in account the fact that not every encounter needs to end in bullets being traded..

in a real world Apoc. if you were at all leary about another person sighting, you would rabbit and try to avoid the suituation. you wouldnt expose your life to a sudden end, when theres another option..

if people in Dayz simply avoided people instead of always shooting first, the enrite game world would be better for it..

but alas when internet tuff guys can just sit behind their puter screens, and fire away at any moving pixel, the odds of that happening are pretty much nil.

its really a shame that KoS is modusoperanti here... really a shame

hopefully WarZ deals with the KoS problem better..

In a world without any moral consequences and the emotional responses that could only ever be experienced in an ACTUAL zombie apocalypse people ARE going to SHOOT ON SIGHT because it is FUN. The competitive rush and adrenaline that we get from shooting and killing other survivors is FUN and since its a GAME they simply respawn with no harm except maybe a slight nerd rage (which we NEVER witness)....This is why the Shoot on Sight policy prevails.

Happy hunting :). If you do not like it, make your own mod ... You could call it Care BearZ

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There really is no in-game fix to banditry/KOS/Sniping. Even if you kill the bandit/sniper/douchebag, he will just re-spawn, grab another rifle, and resume.

The only true fix to this would be to make it a one-life game. You buy the game, you play the game. When you die, you're dead. Game over. You just wasted 30-40 bucks. Hope you enjoyed your 15 minutes of fame, but you never get to play again. Only then would your in-game life begin to resemble the true cost of PvP IRL. However, then nobody would buy the game. Therefore, you will always have to deal with this. Trust me, the standalone won't fix these issues. It is due to the minimal-consequence design of video games. So raging about it won't fix the problem.

I don't know what will fix the problem besides a game so massive and in-depth that we can have 200-300 people on a server 24-7 working in shifts to act as law enforcement, and a system to system-intensive that it would be unplayable with the current generation of computer. Even then, the "police" will spend minimal time eating donuts, and just end up in non-stop PvP/Patrols to prevent the one sniper who thinks he can beat the system.

Until that happens, just enjoy the game, and cry a few tears after dayz of looting ends with a single loud bang somewhere between stary and Pusta in the middle of the forest. BTW, to whoever that was: "Great shot douchebag, I hate you now." :-D

LOL "the true cost of PvP IRL" is $30 .. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

Edited by kegs

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no. what we really need is scarce ammo - that would really make people think twice before taking senseless potshots

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LOL "the true cost of PvP IRL" is $30 .. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

I was wondering how long it would take for somebody to realize that I had somehow valued everybody's life at circa $30! That could make a new tagline somehow.

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So much babbling and moaning and people scared it's to prevent them from running around mindlessly killing. It's NOT. This would have little to no effect on anyone who sets pvp. It only provides a way for someone to provide some proof when they say friendly and give them a chance to talk before shooting. And it only works between players who BOTH have non-pvp set. Call it talk first vs shoot first.

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In real apoc.. Alive people will be rarer .. decrease player amount in server would fix a lil bit

Edited by dennisho1234

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The issue IMO is the players, more players have come in that "play" dayz by simply gearing up then looking to DM. These are the same idiots that play COD w/out a mike, or sit around sniping in a sabotage/seek and destroy match and provide no value to their team. People can't handle investing the time/work into their characters just to have it all taken away by something completley outside their control. So instead they run scripts, or they revert to playing DM because it provides more instant gratification and limits their losses. This is an economic decision that players are making, they don't lose as much play time with a given death if they are simply DM'ing around the S coast. IMO its also the pussy version of playing DayZ, but becaues its a sandbox and because its really just a POC the same experiance can't be forced onto people, pussies can escape directly (AltF4) or indirrectly by simply never really playing the game. These people disregard many aspects of DayZ that others appreciate, the whole game goes from survival horror to one long round of one life DM.

I have no issue with bandits, KOS, murder, etc. I do however think that DayZ is more than DM on some grand scale. I think OP's idea on fixing this is pretty much crap, IMO the only answer is to provide more content to fight boredom, and increase the time it takes to be DM ready. If its not easy to be equipped to kill, or for your character to have the skills needed to kill then fewer players will DM because they have already invested to much to get to the stage that they can DM. This won't fix KOS, or banditry but it would ensure that everyone is actually playing the same game, and thats what I think needs to happen.

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There isn't any pointless killing. There is always a reason into everything. However it might be a reason you don't want to hear about. It's easier to blame others for being irrational than to accept the blame for our own failure.

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First time poster, long time lurker.

Perhaps there is a solution. The people most at risk of losing it all to the roll of the dice are the lone survivors. No matter how safe you play someday you get sloppy and Boom! If your in a group you at least have certain level of redundancy, someone has your back, or at least a blood bag and a DMR on overwatch.

In a real Zombie meltdown at first there would be a certain we're all in it together attitude us v the zombies, as in the game most people would rub along shouting "Friendly" and playing nice. After a while when supplies start to run out (or on DayZ when the pleasures of hunting for tins of beans begins to pale) bandits would realize that there was no one to prevent them from taking what they need be it a LA85 AWS (you know who you are!) or scarce food. At this point all a survivor is is a bandit without a (decent) gun, to the other guy, while you may want to avoid him, he does not want to avoid you.

Perhaps there is the possibility of supra factions. When you would run across a member of your supra faction (perhaps identified by an armband or such) you hold fire, this would allow the possibility for lone survivors to build an adhoc raiding parties. As in real life like minded people would band together for safety. Imagine the feeling of spotting a survivor in the trees, carefully taking aim only to realize he's one of yours, after hours of roaming the wilderness alone and afraid you found a buddy or three..

Of course this would make the life of a bandit more exciting, as word of there activities in an area would spread more faction members would converge to eliminate the theat.

Team killing and such would result in you losing your arm band and becoming a bandit and fair game, and never being able to rejoin (which would certainly make people think again)

I also think that it would make bandits real bandits, not just player who kill and loot you, but real outcasts from respectable society....

What would be interesting is how multiple factions would rub along, would some have friendly relations, others be sworn enemies? would there be have temporary truces in order to kill common enemies?

The game (and its the most interesting one I've played in years) is set up to make it player v player, unless you have a couple of friends to play with, this would make it gang v gang.

Anyway fire away!

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seriously all this fighting and theres a simple solution, they could just make it so some servers are non-pvp and some are pvp, then you have a choice and everyone will stop complaining (like that would ever happen). Or servers with 2 teams, survivors and bandits, survivors band together (meaning they can't shoot one another), and bandits can do w/e the hell they want.

Edited by LordStahl

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