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Looking for friendly players? Hit us up

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Me and My buddies are constant players and we have a number of other players who come and go as they please... we have a team speak server. We aren't really all into Player killing more just killing zombies fixing vehicles and trying to help other survivors that don't blast at us without asking questions. My steam name is Found2bmissing and the invite applies to anyone looking to team up make jokes and kill zombies... I'm fully gear'd with ghillie suit and silenced m4 so you're more then welcome to any weapons we find... We're just about playing for fun... we try and stay on low population servers to avoid the trigger happy bandits. We aren't trying to be "Law keepers" just trying to have fun. Honestly we prefer to play with people 18+ players do to the implied maturity

We aren't looking to team up with hackers or people that are stricly player killers.

Our ONLY rule is "Using our teamspeak server to meet up with and kill another player will get you perma banned"

In a world laid waste by chaos... Humanity is more often then not Found2BMissing

Edited by Found2bmissing

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We've picked up a nice number of players since I posted this... If anyone else is looking for some help or just some friendly conversation add me

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People can also add me :) im not super geared but i like teaming up. my steam name is: krimda

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Alot of real chill people have joined up so far... been productive... lots of gear being passed around...

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We're still picking people up who are 18 years or older... we always seem to have vehicles and we got a well put together group now...

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We're picking up more members still... Looking for 18+ older. We are very open to picking up new players and anyone else who is interested... Our home server has a very active server admin who cracks down real hard on hackers so we've had very little problem with people ruining our game.

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